Chapter 8

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Hetalia was in the bathroom looking into the mirror. His eyes were red and puffy because of how much he cried. He looked down and turned on the faucet. He put his hands under the running water and washed his face. As he rubbed his eyes he then got chills run up his back. He ignored it and finished washing his face. He turned off the faucet and then Hetalia looked up. There was the monster behind him. He jumped back and rubbed his eyes. Once he looked back at the mirror it was gone. His breath started going faster. He tried to calm himself down.

"It's all in my head." Hetalia whispered to himself.

He slid down the wall and grabbed onto his head.

"It's just my mind playing tricks on me." Hetalia sighed.

Hetalia sat there on the floor thinking of what to do. Then there was a knock on the door. Hetalia jumped a bit and looked at the door. It slowly opened.

"Heta?" It was Homestuck. "You ok?"

"No..." Hetalia looked down.

"Don't be so hard on yourself." Homestuck said while holding his hand out. "Come on. Lets get some rest."

"What about Nat?" Hetalia asked as he grabbed Homestuck's hand.

"Sherlock and Doctor Who are putting him in the piano room." Homestuck said.

"There's a piano room?" Hetalia asked.

"Yes there is." Homestuck said as he walked out of the bathroom. "We found it while you were out." 

"Oh." Hetalia followed. "Are the two-"

"The two are taking care of him just like you said." Homestuck said. "They took a pillow and a white blanket from one of the beds."

"...Can I play a song on the piano for him after we rest a bit?" Hetalia quietly asked. "You know..."

"If that's what you want sure." Homestuck smiled slightly.

Hetalia smiled. The two waited for Sherlock and Doctor Who. Once they got back all of them went to sleep for a few hours. 

After they woke up Hetalia started to leave the safe room. The rest followed him.

"So where is this piano room." Hetalia asked.

Homestuck started to lead Hetalia to the piano room. Once they arrived Hetalia saw Supernatural's body. He looked down and headed towards the piano. He sat down and took a deep breath. Hetalia started playing one of Supernatural's favorite song and it was 'Carry on my Wayward Son'. Hetalia started to get teary eyed but he still played. The others watched silently.

Once Hetalia finished he looked down.

"I'm so sorry..." Hetalia's voice cracked.

The three walked up to Hetalia and comforted him. All of them stayed there for a few minutes. After that the two headed towards the safe room. It was quiet. Not one of them spoke a word. They just sat there not knowing what to do. Hetalia then remembered he had a phone. He quickly took it out and checked if there was any service. He hoped there was but no, there wasn't. He threw his phone to the other side of the room.

"WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?!" Hetalia screamed.

The others looked at him shocked.

"I CAN'T LET THIS HAPPEN!" Hetalia had tears running down his face. "I KNOW WHERE THIS IS GOING!"

"Heta calm down-" Homestuck tried to grab Hetalia.


"We can get out of here, don't worry." Doctor Who said. "We'll do whatever it takes."


"Died." Sherlock finished the sentence.

Hetalia stayed quiet while looking at the floor. 

"You have to promise me that." Hetalia quietly said. "Don't protect me. Don't sacrifice yourself for me cause look what happened. We already lost someone and I don't want that to happen again."

"Then by your logic you shouldn't  protect or sacrifice yourself for us." Sherlock said. 

"What?" Hetalia looked at Sherlock. "I have to-"

"If you want us to not protect you or even sacrifice ourselves for you then you shouldn't either." Sherlock crossed his arms. "Seems fair right?"

"F-fine..." Hetalia sighed. "Just keep your guard up. I don't want anything happening to you guys."

Everyone nodded. Once again it was quiet. Nothing happened. They didn't know what to do now. Homestuck then decided to lighten up the mood.

"Soo I kinda miss smutty fanfics..." Homestuck smiled.

"Same here." Hetalia chuckled.

They all laughed a bit.

"I remember when Homestuck and I were beginning to be moirails I kinda read one of my fanfics to him." Hetalia laughed. "He was terrified."

"And why's that?" Doctor Who chuckled.

"It was really REALLY detailed." Homestuck smiled. "At that time I didn't expect that!"

"He does look innocent." Sherlock smiled.

"I have a story after the last episode of the 3rd season for Sherlock." Doctor Who smirked while looking at Sherlock.

"DON'T YOU DARE!" Sherlock glared.

All of them sat there telling funny stories. For the first time in a while they were having a good time. Laughing and smiling at each other. It was the best moment and they wanted it to last forever.

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