Chapter 6

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"So what do we do now?" Hetalia asked.

"Well you need to rest." Sherlock said.

"Aww come on! I want to help!" Hetalia whined.

"No Hetalia!" Homestuck said. " You'll get worse! Just rest!"

"You guys are not going anywhere with out me!" Hetalia crossed his arms.

"Hetalia we won't be able to make progress if we don't go!" Doctor Who said.

"I-I guess you're right..." Hetalia sighed and looked down. "Just don't take long please."

"Don't worry Heta. We'll be fine." Homestuck smiled.

"Ok." Hetalia looked at everyone. "Be careful."

Everyone nodded and Hetalia handed over the key he had. Supernatural took it and with that the four fandoms left the safe room. Once they were out of the room Hetalia took a deep breath and lied down.

The four walked down the stairs to the first floor. They looked around and tried to figure out where the key goes to. As they put the key in the last door it opened. Supernatural was the first one to go inside and then the others followed. Once they went inside there wasn't anything. There was just a lever. Everyone looked at each other.

"Sherlock go pull it." Doctor Who said pushing Sherlock.

"...Fine." Sherlock sighed and went towards the lever.

Sherlock reached for the lever and was about to grab it. He paused for a moment and took a deep breath. Sherlock was hesitant at first but he pulled it. Then everyone heard a noise. Sherlock turned around to see what it was. The others were confused and then the floor below the three suddenly opened up. They fell in the hole and Sherlock went running towards the area. He bent down and looked through the hole. The others were trying to get up and groaning during the process. Sherlock smirked.

"Thank you for making me pull the lever." Sherlock laughed a bit.

"Shut up and get down here." Homestuck glared.

Sherlock did just that and helped the others recover. There was a piano and some bookshelves. The others looked around. Homestuck walked up to the piano and stared at it. Homestuck had a sad look on his face. He sat down on the bench that was in front of the piano. He then started playing a little tune of Hetalia's theme. The others turned around and looked at Homestuck. Once the tune started to finish Homestuck slowed down and then he stopped playing. He looked down and saw a bracelet he had that was given to him by Hetalia. A friendship bracelet.


"Hey Homestuck! I got something for you!" Hetalia said as he ran towards Homestuck with something in his hands.

"Oh really what is it?" Homestuck asked while he smiled.

"I got you this present!" Hetalia grabbed Homestuck's hand. "It's a friendship bracelet! Here I'll put it on for you!"

Hetalia put the bracelet on and then showed him his wrist that had the same bracelet. It was black all around and there was a silver infinity symbol on it.

"An infinity symbol?" Homestuck said as he looked at the bracelet.

"Yeah!" Hetalia nodded. "To show that we will be best friends forever until the end!"

End of Flashback 

Homestuck noticed that his eyes started to get teary eyed. He blinked multiple times to keep the tears in. He's scared of what might happen. Homestuck knows how the story goes in Hetalia's RPG game, Hetaoni. He doesn't want that to happen. It really messed up Hetalia and he could only imagine how horrible Hetalia will be if it happened in this house. They need to get out of there. Homestuck wants everyone to be safe and get out alive, especially Hetalia. His thought were then interrupted by Supernatural.

"You play piano?" Supernatural asked.

"Yes I do." Homestuck answered getting up. "Hetalia taught me some stuff."

"You're pretty good for a demon." Supernatural chuckled.

"I'm not a demon you idiot." Homestuck laughed a bit. "But thanks anyway."

Everyone continued to look around. They haven't checked the books in the bookshelf yet. They decided to do that later with Hetalia. Homestuck then looked at everyone else as they were walking back to the safe room.

"So when will Hetalia be ok to come with us to look for stuff?" Homestuck asked as he opened the door to the safe room.

"I think we should all rest and once we all wake up we go exploring once again." Doctor Who answer as he walked inside. "And besides Hetalia's already sleeping soundly."

"Yes that would probably be a good idea." Sherlock said walking to a bed.

"Yes sleep is what I need." Homestuck smiled. "I call the bed next to Hetalia."

"You guys can go ahead I'll go to sleep in a bit." Supernatural said closing the door. "I'll be in the bathroom to clean myself up."

Everyone nodded and Supernatural went in the bathroom. He washed his face and then looked in the mirror. He sighed with frustration.

"I need to know what this thing is." Supernatural said to himself. "Even if it means that I could die."

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