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Chloe comes into the living room. Her face is sad and I ask her why. She says her dad was, "hunting me" and that he was gonna kill me. She shows me the screen of her phone. The messages are accurate of what she old me. It read:


Chloe's dad: "where are you?"
Chloe: "I'm not telling you"
Chloe's dad: " tell me or I'll find you."
Chloe: "no"
Chloe's dad: "you know what, if your at your friends house, I'll kill him. I will"
Chloe: "No! Don't do that!"


I read the messages, shocked that her dad, someone I thought I knew, would say something as fucked up as that. I looked up from her screen at her. Her thought was bent, and her eyes were rolled up. She fell forward.

"CHLOE! WHAT HAPPENED!?" I scream at her, shaking her shoulders roughly. But she's dead.

I wake up to Mom shaking me.

"Tyler! Tyler wake up! What's wrong?" She looked startled.

"It was just a dream?" I ask, and she asks what I dreamt about. I tell her I dreamt of nothing. Just to help her not think about it.

"Oh, well get up! Today we have to go get your drivers license!" She says cheery. I completely forgot that today I was taking my drivers test.

"If I pass" I give a little chuckle with these words.

"If you pass, your taking me to the mall, that way I can buy some matching clothes!" Chloe Laughs from the kitchen, whilst preparing a bowl of cereal for breakfast. I smile at her as she continues. "Sorry." I say with another small chuckle.

We sit around talking and eating for a while before I get ready for my drivers test. Just a standard sweater and tshirt, bottoms being jeans.


When I enter the building, a thick aroma of anxiety enters my nose and infects my whole body. I'm nervous.

I walk you to the front desk and my mom comes with me, Chloe stays behind, as my mother an I fill out the paper to take the test, she signs her name at the bottom, and I fill out the rest. When I finally finish with the paper work, my hand is shaky, and I can tell I'm very anxious.

"Do you think my paperwork will be accepted?" I ask my mom, and Chloe.

"Of course it will! You'll do fine. Just try to ease up a bit." My mom says, and Chloe smiles in response to what she said. I flash a smile.

It seems like it's been hours since I filled out the paper work. But in reality, I know it's only been around half an hour. Two kids have already gone up and come back from their drivers test. The lady at the front desk finally calls out my name.

"Tyler!" She yells across the huge waiting room, and I stand up eagerly. I walk over to the front desk and in front of a lot of kids my age. One of them even mouths the words, "good luck" as I pass him. When I arrive to the front desk, my results are given.

"We've accepted your application, good job. Step over here to get started on your drivers test.

I walk through the door and now it's just me myself and I, no Chloe, no mom, no nothing. I'm all alone.

The monitor I'm given is fricken huge, just my luck. He looks extremely intimidating compared to my ass. Which only makes the situation worse. I ease up when he finally speaks, in fact, it's hard not to laugh. My voice is deeper than his, and his voice doesn't match up with his face and build at all. This is a stress reliever for me and helps me calm down.

We finally went erred the black Chevy Impala that will be performing as my test car. It's a very nice car and the interior is supposedly genuine leather. He tells me to start the car and so I insert the key he gives me and I turn it. I rest my hands then in the 10 and 2 positions on the steering wheel. He tells me to put it in drive. I grab the gear and put it in drive and take a slow start. "Now what you wanna do in this test of follow the white lines, all while following my instructions, you can not hit any cones and or obstacles in The way, you must divert from them. This test will take around fifteen minutes. If you are docked anymore than five points, you fail. Okay, begin" I slowly start to accelerate. And I follow the white lines around the entire course, knocking over one cone and getting off track once. I smile just when I hear the end of the test, and he tells me to stop.

"Good, you passed. Go over there to get your drivers license." I shake the mans hand and precedent to go to where he directed me. I am told to sit and give a straight face, because this will be one of my main sources of identification.

When I finally get back to Chloe and mom, my mom sees my drivers license and takes me in with a hug. "Good job." She says, and we got to pay for the test.

I drive home and my mom and s honors than happy to take a nap on the way, Chloe gives me a hug when we get inside and says congrats. She begins to take her shoes off, before I stop her.

"Mom, can I Take Chloe to the mall?"

(Hey guys and gals. Jesus Christ it has been such a long ass time since this was brought out of the dust and updated, thank you for your patience. It's just that ninth grade gives me way less time than eighth grade gave me, so that's why I only post every few weeks. I am going to take a break from wattpad until my Christmas break, sorry. I just feel forced to write and that's why.

If you liked this book, you might like some of my others, so check out my account, CoreyBush11! I have one other book, and I try to post as much as I can. You also might enjoy works by: @Jmzabinski , so go check him out too! A comment is much appreciated, and if you liked this chapter, leave a vote, or if you want to stay in tune, be sure to follow! Anything is VERY much appreciated!

I love to talk to you guys, and get your feed back, so feel free to leave a comment or check out my message boards, I will always reply! As always, -Bye)

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