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I get up off of the bed so does Chloe. She looks at me happily.

"Let's go, come here." She says, I follow her into the living room and she turns on our Nintendo Wii. She tosses me a controller and she starts up the system.

"What are we doing?" I raise one eyebrow, she laughs.

"We're playing, silly"

She continues to select a game we can play together. We choose Super Smash Bros.

By the time were situated on the couch, controllers in our hands, I press start. The game fires up and we choose our characters.

Round one, she wins.
Round two, I do.

"Now we gotta play a tie breaker round." I say, she agrees.

"Whoever wins, gets driven by the loser for a week." She says. Chloe already has here license, so I accept the deal.

When the round starts, Chloe leads for a long time. Right before the end, I shove her character off of the map.

"You jerk!" She says, and elbows my side.

"Ow! Now your in for it!" I laugh, she shoves me over, and I throw my controller onto the chair next to me. I grab her and shove her down so she's laying in the couch. She laughs and I push her down, and lean in really close to her ear, so my mouth is right next to it, she laughs.

"Guess who's driving me around for a week?" I ask, as I smile. Then we here a knock on the door.

"Police! Open up!"

I leap off of Chloe, she asks, "what's going on?... Tyler, what happened?"

My mom comes out from her room, "I'll get the door." She says, she turns the handle and sure enough there's two cops there, and a patrol car in the driveway. Someone in the patrol car is hitting the window.

"Is this where uh, Chloe Williams is staying right now?" The first officer says. My mom asks why they needed her. The cop leans in and whispers to my mom the reason they need Chloe. My mom nods and waves her over. They step outside.

"What's going on?" I ask my mom. She walks up to me and says, "it's her dad. He got arrested for drug abuse. He wanted to see Chloe before he got taken in.

I rush out the door and stand near the car. Chloe looks at me before the cop says, "Do you know this man?" And he opens the door. Her dad looks at her and she cries.

"Yes. I do. That's my dad.." She looks up at me. And her dad steps out. I step forward.

"Easy kid, learn your place." He says. His voice is scratchy and his skin is pale, he smiles at his daughter with yellowed teeth.

"Can I have a hug?" He asks.

"Why?" Chloe asks.

"Because it'll be a while till I see you again. Look, I'm sorry honey, I didn't mean anything, you know it." He makes him self look sorry. He makes Chloe pity him.

Chloe goes in for a hug, then after they do, she walks back towards me as her dad gets put in cuffs. She cries. Her head rests on my shoulder as one cop gets inside the drivers seat.

"Ma'am, your legally required to stay at your home for now, until you're eighteen in 2 years."  The other Cop says, she asks why.

"Well, I mean it's just the law, I can't explain it, I can just enforce it. You need to stay with your legal parent or guardian until your an adult." He says.



We go back inside the house and Chloe grabs her bag.

"What're you doing?" I ask her, she looks at me and smiles with a façade, then looks back down towards her bag as she fills it with her new clothes and her mixed clothes that I grabbed her from her house.

I go over to her and rest my hand on her shoulder, then I move down to we back and rub her back, before returning to her shoulder.

"What's wrong?" I ask as I rub my thumb back and forth on her shoulder as I'm holding it. She turns toward me with tears accumulating in her eyes.

"I'm going back home." She says with a teary smile. I pull her close and she hugs me, still not crying, but a stifle in her voice.

"It can't be that bad, your dad's not there anymore, so I mean you'll be okay there." I say, trying to comfort her. She sniffles.

"No Tyler. That's not it." She says, before looking up at me. "I still love you.. For real." She says while smiling and kind of laughing and crying at the same time.

"I'll see you at school still, it'll be fine, and I could come over more, your mom likes me." I say. She laughs. I begin to help her pack.


"Well, I guess it's time to leave. I'll see you tomorrow?" I say.

"Yea, I forgot that school starts back up already. Christmas and New Years came and went so fast." She says. I grab her shoulder and pull her in for a hug. We hug for a long time and then she grabs my shirt and packs off a little bit. She comes back in and plants a kiss on my cheek.

"See you tomorrow Tyler."

(I know I know, it's been almost a month since I've published a chapter, but I mean I'm still working on my other book, just not publishing yet. Lately I've been getting less view on my book, so for whoever sees this, thanks for actually reading this shit. I expect a dramatic decrease in view on The Hunted and I'm okay with that.

If you liked this book, you might like some of my others, so check out my account! I have one other book, and I try to post as much as I can. You also might enjoy works by JMZabinski. so go check him out too! As always, a comment is much appreciated, and  if you liked this chapter, please vote for it! If you want to stay in tune, be sure to follow me! Anything is very VERY much appreciated, I love to talk to you guys, and get your feed back, so feel free to check out my message boards, I will always reply! As always, -Bye)

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