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Written by: Samuel Chheng

Editors: Connor Candelaria, Rayann Uribe, Alejandro Quezada, and Austin Akwa

Being new to writing stories, mines of course are not the best because I know there are better ones out there. However, I want to continue this passion I have and entertain people after they finished reading my books. Before I say anything else, I want to explain why I wrote this story. When I was a Freshmen in High-school, I had the same people for my 5th and 6th period. Later would I know that I would be writing a story based off everyone in my class after getting to know each one of them. All the characters and their personalities portrays who they really are. At first, I was hesitant to turning this into a book, but I ended up being motivated to creating it. If I ever become famous in the future, I would like to turn this into a movie with all my classmates and teachers, so they can play their own roles in the story. For now, I'll stick to writing other stories with original ideas in the future.

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