Chapter 7: Finding the Answers

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Everyone now inside the kitchen, entered the pantry and opened the mysterious door.

"Looks like a basement or something." Carlee assumed.

"Only one way to find out!" Officer Cesar said going downstairs.

Walking down, they looked around and heard strange noises. Soon as they reached the bottom, they turned on the lights to see some old lady typing something on her computer.

"No, turn off the lights!" She begged.

"What for?" Officer Cesar said.

"I hate everything related too light." She replied.

"Excuse me, but who are you?" Officer Cesar questioned.

"Call me Professor Walbridge. I'm a scientist that's been staying here after I retired from teaching." She responded.

"Very suspicious. Did you happen to know that people were dying recently?" Carlee politely wondered.

"From all the commotion, yes I have. I didn't want to deal with it because of my discoveries on my new project." Professor Walbridge replied.

"Just know that you're now a prime suspect." Officer Cesar said writing her name in his notebook.

"Speak for yourself. I'm just an innocent bystander who's focused on my research." Professor Walbridge fired back.

"Calm down you two! Anyways, thanks for your time, we'll be leaving now!" Samantha kindly said.

Everyone left back upstairs and discussed the deaths of everyone and the two suspicious people they've recently met.

"We can't just let them roam free!" Diego P. exclaimed.

"He's right. However, I still think it's one of us pulling the strings." Alyssa suspected.

"This is bothering me. We have no leads or information to who might be the killer." Officer Cesar sighed.

"Actually we do." Carlee said smiling.

"Wait, we do!? Where's the gathered evidence?" Officer Cesar asked.

"When I went to go back to my room, seems like someone stole all of it." Carlee sadly responded.

"How unfortunate." Officer Cesar replied.

Before more conversations began, there was another knock on the door. Officer Cesar took out his pistol and walked up to the door, opening it quickly.

"Woah! Put the gun down!" Jenna shouted.

"She's right!" Sergio said carrying Diego M's arm around him.

"What's wrong with him?" Officer Cesar lowering his gun.

"He was injured while escaping the tunnel with me." Sergio informed.

"Why are you all together?" Officer Cesar questioned.

"Me and Jenna ran off into the woods where we soon met up with them." Itzania replied.

"Suspicious. However, we lost Alex and Eric unfortunately." Officer Cesar informed.

"This murderer is really intelligent. They sure are good at manipulating us." Sergio thought out loud.

"Wait a minute. Esmeralda, you're the murderer!" Office Cesar said pointing at her.

"How? Where's your proof?" She replied offended.

"You're not close to anyone, you're the only one that stands out!" Officer Cesar explained.

"Please come silently to the station." Officer Cesar said taking out his handcuffs.

"Wait. My girlfriend's not the one! That's false evidence you're claiming!" Sergio shouted.

Once again, the lights went off and everyone panicked. Shadows in the dark, everybody separated from each other and ran to different areas of the mansion.

"Hello?" Sergio said inside the kitchen.

Walking around, he was quickly pulled down to the ground.

"You almost got yourself killed!" Carlee whispered.

"Whoops, my bad." He whispered.

"We need to find a way out here silently." Carlee explained.

"It's just us two right now. You could use your phone's flashlight to help us." Sergio intelligently said.

"Are you trying to get us killed?" Carlee immediately scolded him.

"What do we do now?" Sergio asked.

"We have to crawl back through the dining room, so we can return to the living room." Carlee said while thinking.

Agreeing to the plan, Sergio crawled out first as Carlee soon followed. Almost getting past the dining room, Sergio unfortunately knocked over couple of chairs as silverware fell onto the ground shattering. Due to the noise, Sergio was vulnerable to where he was at and immediately began crawling back as Carlee did the same. Not knowing who was behind him while he was returning back to the kitchen, the person grabbed his legs and dragged him away into the darkness of the living room. Carlee panicking had no way of helping Sergio as she heard him constantly shouting for help as unusual noises were being made.

Constantly thinking of what to do, Carlee held her phone and turned on the flashlight. Charging right in with the phone, she confronted the person. Before she said anything, she looked at Sergio's face as it was sliced off completely. Getting dizzy from what she was looking at, she snapped out of confusion.

"I had a huge feeling you would be the murderer. I know your intentions and reasons to why you're doing this. This is where your crimes will be stopped for good." Carlee proudly said.

The person looking at her, wore a gas mask and had blood all over their white lab suit. Clapping with the knife in their hands and laughing, the person didn't say anything as the person pointed the knife at her. Confused on what the killer was doing, she turned around to have a pistol placed on her forehead. Now knowing there were two murderers this whole time, she closed her eyes and left a clue and dropped her phone. Right as lightning struck, the killer fired their gun as Carlee's body flew out the window. Finished with murdering two people, they both vanished and erased all their evidence immediately.

Upstairs, Alan still producing his fire mixtape decided to leave his room for some fresh air. After opening the door, he noticed everything was dark and quiet. Thinking of people in scary movies that die in the dark, he closed his door and went back inside. Sitting on his chair, he put on his headphones and started editing his music.

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