Chapter 10: The End

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"Detective Chheng! Congratulations for helping us catch this serial killer. For this, you'll definitely receive a promotion! I'm sorry for all your classmates that died tonight." His Superintendent said.

"Thank you sir, but it's best if I leave now." Samuel saluted off and left.

"Samuel, I'm sorry for all of this. I only committed these crimes for one purpose, because I was struggling in life." Diego P. sadly said.

"No excuses. You took many lives tonight, think of your actions while you're in prison." Samuel boldly said leaving the scene.

After that, the news was broadcasted the next morning, explaining everything that happened at the mansion during the killer's killing spree. Once that was done, Alyssa turned out to be okay and the police took her to the station for questioning soon after.

Years later, Samuel got inside his car and drove out all the way to the same mansion, on the same day they died in the afternoon. Upon arriving, he got out of his car and walked to the tombstones of where all his classmates were buried at.

"It's been so long since you all died. I'm sorry for not being there to help you all during that night." Samuel crouched down while lighting up incense.

"I'd thought you'd forget what day it was today." A familiar voice said.

"Why if it isn't Alyssa." Samuel said standing up and greeting her.

"Been a while. How's it been?" Alyssa asked.

"Nothing much. Just here to give my respect to our classmate's from freshmen year in high school." Samuel quietly said.

"Well that's nice, what do you work as now?" Alyssa said.

"I'm still a famous private detective that solves cases around our city! How about you?" Samuel explained.

"Oh, I'm an actress and makeup artist." Alyssa proudly said.

"That's good to know, well I think it's best if I leave now." Samuel said leaving.

"I'll hook you up with free tickets to my movie!" Alyssa shouted.

"Um, I think I'll pass!" Samuel yelled as he laughed and got into his car.

The car drove off and Samuel continued his career as Alyssa went on to fulfill her dream once and for all. Returning to the police station, Samuel went inside to go and interrogate Diego for the last time.

"How's everything going?" Samuel asked.

"Good. You?" Diego asked.

"Tell me who was with who during the murders." Samuel questioned.

"I blackmailed Yanet for her to come work for me. Darryl was just in with me because we were close friends. I decided to have the scientist and gardener also work for us since they could benefit from it. As my plan slowly corrupted, I had to eliminate my followers immediately." Diego P. explained.

"I see. Well, what have you been doing this whole time?" Samuel asked.

"I've been writing a book. A book that's about our classmates' death at the mansion!" Diego laughed.

"Sick bastard!" Samuel shouted.

"Don't accuse me here. Darryl was responsible of killing the rest of our classmates." Diego smirked.

"Any reasons to killing them?" Samuel asked.

"Nope. Now, is there anything you want to ask me before we're done here?" Diego questioned.

"No, we're done here. Thank you for your time of answering all my questions." Samuel nodded his head as he left the room.

After arriving back home, he went to go change into his night clothes and hopped on his bed. Soon after, he closed his eyes and fell asleep, knowing he solved another case.

"Samuel! Samuel! Wake up! It's time to go watch the movie!" Someone shouted towards him.

He woke up and found himself in Gabi's mansion. Everyone was around him, trying to wake him up.

"All of that was all a dream. Did no one die after all?" He thought to himself out loud.

"Silly, ever since you wrote this book, we decided to make a movie on it." Diego M. laughed.

"Woah! Thank goodness no one died." Samuel said with relief.

"I liked how the ending was Diego P. being the writer of the story in the movie." Sergio said.

"Bruh, when they added my album to the ending credits of the movie and played it, I was going crazy." Alan shouted.

"Chill, give some thanks to your producer, Kaili!" Cassandra said.

"Yeah! Split the money, Alan!" Kaili evilly laughed.

"Alright then. However, Diego M. needs to be in my new record label as soon as possible." Alan stated.

"Are you serious?!" Diego M. asked.

"Yes bruh, we going to make millions of dollars." Alan yelled.

"Don't forget about us! Me and Eric's mixtape is composed of disstracks that are fire!" Alex yelled.

"Darn it, he's right! We can't compete no more." Alan laughed.

Over at the tables, Savannah, Rayann, Angelica, Samantha, Carlee, and Yanet were all talking to each other about their lives and what they plan on doing in the future. In the living room, the rest of the guys were playing against each other in fighting games while the other girls were gossiping about other people. For the teachers, Professor Walbridge was recognized and was given the opportunity to work for the government with her research in Area 51. Mr. Reyes on the other hand, became famous after crop circles were formed on his plot of land. Still confused as ever, Samuel got up and stretched, then left to the balcony.

"Guess it's my turn to produce my mixtape!" He whispered as he looked at the sun setting.

"Better include us!!" Everyone said behind him.

Getting startled from them yelling, he fell off the balcony and landed in the swimming pool. Later on, the moon came out as nighttime arrived and all the classmates partied until day time came again.

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