Chapter 9: Fighting

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Downstairs at the living room, Diego M. was getting really suspicious of those around, keeping his guard up.

"Isn't today such a wonderful day?" Diego M. jokingly said.

"I rather be doing my research, but if I go, I'll be labeled as a killer." Professor Walbridge depressingly stated.

"Anyone seen my boyfriend?" Esmeralda asked politely?

"Nope. Haven't seen him since the blackout recently." Darryl replied.

"Geez, when can we find the murderer?! I'm getting really tired of losing more of my friends." Diego M. angrily said.

"Maybe it's you." Professor Walbridge quickly responded.

"What did you say?" Diego M. asked irritated.

Before anyone else said anything, the lights finally came back on for some reason.

"Yes! We have light now." Diego M. gladly said.

"Don't try to change the subject!" Professor Walbridge countered.

Hearing footsteps, they all heard someone walking closer to them. All of them getting scared, quickly held their pillows.

"Finally, people that I find." Samuel said with a notebook in his hand with shades on.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Diego M. interrogated.

"I decided to disappear so I can point out who would be the killer from the shadows. Apparently, I found out there's some still alive." Samuel explained taking out a lollipop from his mouth.

Feared of being arrested, Professor Walbridge got ahold of Esmeralda, with a knife to her throat. Darryl calmly sitting there, took out his knife and aimed it at Diego's face.

"Don't move or we kill them right here." Professor Walbridge shouted.

"I'll have you know, you're looking at a marital artist here. However, if you harm the weak, I must stop you." Samuel said taking off his coat.

Hearing all the commotion, Alyssa and Diego P. saw the whole thing as they rushed down the stairs.

"Stop right there!" Diego P. said holding the gun he took from Officer Cesar.

"What is going on?" Alyssa shouted.

Professor Walbridge, now hesitating on what their next intentions were, accidentally slit Esmeralda's throat. Noticing she killed her hostage, Diego P. aimed the pistol at her, shooting her head as she fell back. Darryl seeing her fly onto the couch, threw the knife onto the floor and surrendered. Before he could do that, Diego P. aimed the gun at Darryl and shot him in the heart area as he laid back on the couch and died.

"You didn't have to kill them!" Alyssa said.

"Oh, but I only did if I want to survive." Diego P. explained.

"Stop right there Diego P. You're under arrest for murdering the other people who attended this meeting! You are also charged for the other murders you committed, surrender now killer! As a detective, I'm working for the police force!" Samuel said taking out his badge.

"How am I the killer?" Diego P. asked.

"You were the last one to show up to the party and you don't socialize with anyone in the group. Due to this deduction, I'd figured you didn't want your accomplices to ruin your little plan. Seems like it's checkmate for you buddy!" Samuel said taking out his pistol.

"Did you forget? I have the advantage here." Diego P. said while kicking Alyssa to the ground and aiming his gun at her afterwards.

"You won't get away with this!" Diego M. said rushing up and knocking the other Diego to the floor.

"Alyssa, run away!" Samuel ordered while moving closer as he held the gun.

Following orders, she ran away from those two and went outside the building, searching for Itzania out there.

"Where the heck is she going?" Samuel said before turning around and aiming his gun at them.

Still punching each other in the face, Diego P. grabbed the gun and shot Diego M. who was on top of him. Immediately taking the bullet, Diego P. pushed his body aside and shot several rounds at Samuel. Dodging the bullets, he took cover behind the couches.

"Looks like this is where you die!" Diego P. evilly laughed.

"No, I've already called for backup. They know who you are with the information I just sent them earlier. Even if you kill me, you'll still end up in jail no matter what." Samuel laughed while replying.

"Always one step ahead of me!" Diego P. said.

After a moment of silence, Samuel was curious and stood up for a few seconds until Diego P. ran up and kicked him to the floor. With his only chance, he ran out the door as Samuel soon followed. Going through the woods, Samuel ran after Diego as he found Alyssa and Itzania together.

"Put your hands up or I'll shoot!" Diego P. said.

With a quick decision, they both started running away from him as Diego P. followed. During the run, Itzania somehow tripped on a tree's roots as she fell down. Alyssa noticing that, attempted to help her until Itzania said to keep running.

"Go on without me! My foot is stuck, I'm going to die anyways." Itzania shouted.

"Fine." Alyssa said leaving the scene.

Diego caught up and aimed his gun at her face, shooting Itzania immediately. Before leaving to go find Alyssa, helicopters from above had their lights faced on him as cops from the woods aimed their guns at him.

"SURRENDER NOW!" A police officer said with a megaphone inside the helicopter.

Right after they said that, Diego lowered down his gun and raised his hands up into the air. The cops around him placed handcuffs on his hands as they escorted him back to the city. Samuel barely catching up, saw Itzania's dead body and was speechless.

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