Chapter 4: Unexpected Deaths

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Over at the rooms, Rayann was walking slowly up the stairs, watching her surroundings. Searching around, she found this shiny thing on the floor and attempted to pick it up until she saw someone's foot right there. Before she could do anything, the killer raised up the nail bat and hit her face. Rayann's body flew back so hard as her bloody head hit the wall and the killer ran away from the scene.

Those who were downstairs heard the noise and rushed upstairs immediately. The others who were in their rooms, opened their doors to see Rayann's body lying there.

"Oh my god. Rayann!!" Alyssa yelled.

"What the heck happened?" Diego P. asked.

"Where were you all this time?" Diego M. asked.

"I was in my room this whole time. After I heard loud commotions, I woke up and came outside!" Diego P. replied.

"How about you guys?" Diego M. questioned the others.

"Me and Eric were in our rooms texting our friends from our middle school." Alex said.

"If you don't believe us, then check our text messages!" Eric winked and laughed at Alex.

"For me, Diego already knows how I am. Music is my life and I was making my new song that's fire bro." Alan said.

"I think it's only fair we check everybody's rooms right now." Diego M. demanded.

"I'm fine with that! Just saying, there's nothing in my room that could be the murder weapon." Alan laughed.

"Same with me. I tend to stay away with everyone because I have no social skills." Diego P. said

"Nothing's in our rooms either." Alex replied smiling at Eric.

During the search, they found something that was related to the murder weapon in Alan's room.

"What the heck?! Guys, I'm not the murderer, please believe me! I was framed!" Alan shouted.

"Bro, there's evidence in your room that you own this weapon. There's clearly spikes and nails on it with blood." Diego M. stated.

"Okay I admit that baseball bat is mine, but it was for self-defense. If any one tried to attack me, I would use it against them." Alan explained.

"I still don't believe it! You could of have many motives to why you're killing these innocent people." Alyssa explained.

"This is getting really weird. I don't want to be the next one!" Jenna said.

"Girl, you better wish you don't because I'll fight that person!" Kaili replied.

"I bet you, I'm going to be the next one." Itzania replied.

"If the killer goes to me, I'm going to fight them and protect my girl!" Sergio shouted.

"This whole thing is getting out of hand. We need to establish order immediately!" Diego M. ordered.

"Wait a minute. Why are you making the decisions?" Jenna quickly asked.

"Because we need to find who the killer is really fast or someone else is going to die!" Diego M. replied.

"Wait a minute, Jenna's right. How come we always have to listen to you?" Alyssa questioned.

"It's not like that! I just wanted to keep things at peace." Diego M. said.

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