Chapter 1: Arrival At The Reunion

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After a couple of years graduating from Roosevelt High School, many of the graduates were enjoying their summer break. On a random day in July, a girl named Gabi decided to create a group chat with all of her previous classmates. Then, she messaged the chat saying: "Come meet me at my place for a reunion on July 15 at 1:00 P.M."  Moments later, everyone read the message and replied with a thumbs-up, meaning they would attend.

On July 15, everyone arrived at Gabi's house that was located in the woods, where nothing else but trees surrounded the mansion. The mansion looked really nice during the day while at night, it was seen as an old abandoned building. Since it was still early in the afternoon, some of them decided to hike up the mountains nearby. As he reached the top, Samuel waited for the others who went with him on the hike.

"You sure love hiking huh?" Sergio said catching up with him.

"Not really. I just like going on adventures." Samuel replied.

"Don't you think this is strange? Gabi invited us out of nowhere." Alan said taking off his earphones.

"Didn't think you would come Alan." Sergio stated.

"I only came for the alcohol." Alan responded.

Seconds later, Darryl and Alejandro caught up with them. Samuel took out his phone after he got a message from Alex.

"Who messaged?" Sergio questioned.

"Just Alex. He's wondering where did we all go. I told him we went hiking but we'll head back to the mansion right after." Samuel answered.

"You guys hear about the news?" Alan asked everybody. They all stood there, not knowing what he was talking about.

"What kind of news?" Samuel terrifyingly asked. The killer, who was listening, remained silent while behind some huge rocks.

"My mixtape and album are now on SoundCloud." Alan happily says.

Samuel sighed and the others laughed at what Alan said. With the sun rising, they decided to head back so they wouldn't get sweaty from the heat.

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