Chapter 6: Surviving until the End

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Outside of the mansion, the rain continued to pour heavily, as the sounds of thunder were heard nearby. Some of them that left were lucky to have flashlights while the others had nothing on them. Constantly searching for clues, Sergio and Diego M. decided to walk towards the tunnels. Darryl and Diego P. went to go check out the cars.

"You sure they ran this way?" Sergio asked.

"Of course! This is the only way to leave this place." Diego M. explained.

Moments later, they heard noises coming from nearby bushes. They stood still, waiting for something to jump out. Seconds later, they both panicked as they soon found out it was just a small bunny hopping around.

"Phew. I thought it was one of them." Sergio jokingly said.

Right then, another noise came nearby, and it was Eric who jumped out and ran passed them in the direction of the tunnel they all came from in the beginning.

"Hey!!" Diego M. yelled trying to run after him.

"Get back here!" Sergio said chasing him.

Inside the tunnel, both Diego and Sergio looked around for him inside the darkness.

"I got a flashlight, how about you?" Diego M. said.

"I have a pocket knife and a lighter." Sergio boldly replied.

"Why do you have a pocket knife?" Diego M. asked.

"In case I might die, I'll have to protect myself." Sergio explained.

Over on the other side of the mansion, Diego P. and Darryl were looking for Eric and Alex.

"Should we check their cars?" Diego P. suggested.

"Sure. Maybe they're hiding in their cars." Darryl responded.

Walking over to the cars with their flashlights, they searched if Alex and Eric were hiding in one of them. Going to the last car, it's engine started and the headlights turned on. Being thrown off by the noise, the car slowly started moving as Alex gave them a creepy smile when turning his head their direction inside the car. Darryl and Diego attempted to stop the car by blocking his way, until the car kept going faster. Just then, all the cars including Alex's, blew up.

"What the heck?!" Darryl said while on the ground.

"Tell the others and call the cops!" Diego P. demanded.

While Darryl ran inside, Diego went to go see if Alex was alive so he could help him out.

Over on the other side where the tunnel was at, Diego and Sergio heard the huge explosion.

"Just what was that?" Sergio asked.

"I don't know but watch your surroundings." Diego M. ordered.

Walking around the place for several minutes, the tunnel lights turned on immediately.

"Such a shame. To think that I would end up killing you two. Drop everything you have and put your hands up!" Eric said pulling out his sub-machine gun.

"Why are you doing this?" Sergio asked.

"To be honest, I don't know. We're all going to die anyways." Eric explained.

"We were all classmates. No one had problems with each other!" Diego M. replied.

"You're wrong! Since my partner is now dead, guess it's your turn." Eric said aiming the gun at one of them.

Before Eric pulled the trigger, another explosion just occurred from where they're standing as rocks and boulders came falling down from above. Constantly dodging the rocks and boulders, Sergio and Diego ran as fast as they could. Eric having difficulties escaping, ended up being crushed by a huge boulder.

"Everyone! Alex is dead!" Darryl said barging through the front doors and running to the living room.

"How could that be?!" Alyssa asked sitting on the couch.

"I don't know. Me and Diego P. decided to check around the cars if they were hiding there. Minutes later, one of the cars turned on and headed straight our way until it blew up!" Darryl explained.

"This is odd. It's like we're having multiple murderers and they're all working together." Samantha deducted.

"Sounds reasonable. Also, while searching around the kitchen, I went to go check the pantry and found another door." Carlee said.

"Let's go check it out!" Esmeralda said.

"Before we do that, we need someone to call the cops!" Samantha ordered.

"Yeah, calling right now!" Alyssa said on the phone.

Thirty-minutes later, Officer Cesar showed up again with his pistol this time.

"What seems to be the problem here? I was having a good time watching my show until you all called." Officer Cesar angered.

"Will you start acting like a cop!? This is why people are dying." Samantha scolded him.

"Okay, so how many have died since I was away?" Officer Cesar asked.

"Just now, it makes five people who've died. Two of them are missing currently." Alyssa informed him.

"Geez, seems like we are dealing with a serial killer." Officer Cesar stated.

"Make that one more." Diego P. said entering the door.

"What do you mean one more?" Samantha said.

"Diego and Sergio just called me saying they're lost in the woods and that they saw Eric get killed." Diego P. replied.

"We need to find them quickly!" Alyssa said.

"I can't have more people go missing." Officer Cesar ordered.

"Why is that?" Samantha questioned.

"It will give me a bad reputation!" Officer Cesar sadly responded.

"You care more about your dumb ranking then people who are getting murdered one by one?" Samantha said enraged.

"Yes I do, or else I get fired!" Officer Cesar shouted back.

"Unbelievable." Alyssa shook her head.

"Anyways, any new information besides that?" Officer Cesar asked.

"Well, I did find a door we were going to investigate together." Carlee added.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go find out!" Officer Cesar demanded.

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