Chapter 3: Divided Groups

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"If you need me for something, just give me a call!" Office Cesar said eating a doughnut as he closed the front door.

"What do we do now? This doesn't solve the problem that a murderer is out here to kill us all!" Itzania shouted.

"In order for us to survive. I think we all need to divide into different groups." Diego M. told them.

After everyone got in their groups, they all looked for different items around the house. However, Kassandra was unfortunate and got lost inside the huge mansion.

"You got to be kidding me right now." She said walking around in the hallways.

Several minutes later, she noticed that someone was following her this whole time. Fearing for her life, she began to pick up her pace of simply walking to running in matters of seconds. Sadly, the person continued to followed her down until she reached the end of a hallway. Not looking back, she was praying that she wouldn't die right then. The person touched her back and turned her direction to look at him.

"Oh hey there! You also got lost?" Kassandra said.

Right then, the person evilly laughed and grabbed her by the neck, raising Kassandra up into the air, until she couldn't breathe anymore. Once she died, he threw her to the wall and left the scene. Since she was far away from the others, no one heard the noises on the wall. On the other side of the mansion, Diego M. and his group were searching for any clues on who could possibly be the murderer.

"Here we are at the crime scene, where Gabi was killed. Find some clues for us team!" Diego M. said.

"I already found some clues." Carlee said.

Diego M. looked at what she found, limiting some of the classmates immediately.

"Continue the good work Carlee. Hey Rayann, find anything yet?" He asked while searching around the room.

"No, not yet." Rayann replied.

"All right, how about you Sergio?" Diego M. asked after.

"Nothing much." Sergio responded.

Over on the other side of the mansion, everyone else was finding food and other things.

"Look! The rain's getting worse." Savannah told Alyssa.

"You're right. We need to find out who it is." Alyssa replied.

Seconds right after, the lights went off and everyone panicked. Not knowing who was who, the killer killed Savannah and placed her inside a nearby closet, where no one would look inside. The lights came back on and Alyssa immediately wondered where did Savannah vanished off to.

"Anyone seen Savannah?" Alyssa asked.

"She was here before the lights went out." Samantha said.

"Me and Yanet are going to the kitchen to get more food." Angelica said leaving with Yanet.

Upon arriving, they immediately searched around the area.

"How's life been for you Yanet?" Angelica said searching inside the cabinets.

"It's been okay so far. How about you?" Yanet replied.

"Same, but don't you feel scared right now?" Angelica asked.

"What do you mean?" Yanet responded.

"With this whole mess. Our classmates are just dying and you never know, we might be next." Angelica said.

"What if I told you I know who the killer is?" Yanet said suspiciously.

"Really?! Please tell me who it is!" Angelica quickly wondered.

"Okay, you got to come closer so I can whisper it to you." Yanet quietly responded.

The oblivious Angelica walked up to Yanet. As she began to lean over, suddenly blood came out of her mouth. Yanet, holding the knife, continued stabbing more into Angelica's stomach.

"How could you?!" Angelica said before falling down to the floor.

Quickly washing her hands, Yanet desperately screams for help and those in the group came rushing to the kitchen.

"What happened here?!" Samantha questioned.

"It's Angelica! The murderer came in and attacked her first but left when I started screaming." Yanet shouted.

"You sure? What if you actually killed her?" Alyssa assumed.

"Are you calling me a liar?" Yanet angered.

"I'm not saying that. However, I'm not taking my chances around anybody anymore. I just recently lost a friend." Alyssa shouted back.

"Calm down everyone, let's just all go back to the living room and wait for the others." Samantha tried to create peace.

Everyone from both groups came back but some of the others were still in their rooms.

"Any new information you find?" Samantha asked while seated on the couch.

"Sort of. We do know the killer is a man for sure." Diego M. stated.

"How can you possibly be so sure about that?" Alyssa asked.

"Well, we found the killer's notebook when he dropped it on the floor in the other room." Diego M. answered.

"That's where you're wrong." Alyssa replied.

"How so?" Carlee wondered.

"Someone was just recently killed earlier." Alyssa responded.

"Who was it?" Darryl questioned.

"Sadly, Angelica." Alyssa said.

"Anything suspicious?" Darryl asked.

"Yeah. Seems like Yanet was the only one who lived from that incident." Alyssa stated.

"That really does seem suspicious!" Rayann said after.

"I swear it wasn't me! Rayann, you have to believe me!" Yanet tried to persuade them.

"I don't know Yanet. I really want to believe you, but I need some proof!" Rayann replied.

"All right then, I think we all had it for today. Let's just all get a good night sleep already." Diego M. implied.

"I rather be awake then be killed in my sleep!" Alyssa responded.

"I'll be back!" Rayann said leaving upstairs to the other rooms.

"If you need me, I'll be in the dining room, investigating that area." Carlee said while reading her book.

"I'm watching you Darryl. Don't try anything on me or Diego!" Samantha said.

"What did I do!? I'm only here for one purpose, to hang out with y'all." Darryl countered.

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