Chapter 8: Protecting Each Other

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In the other room down the hall, Samantha and a few others stayed inside there.

"What do we do now?" Yanet said.

"I don't know, we need hurry to and get these lights turned back on." Jenna said.

"Jenna's right, but we must be on the lookout for the murderer. I'll be the first one to keep a look out." Samantha ordered.

"What do we do if the killer finds us?" Alyssa asked.

"Then I'll distract him while you both run." Samantha responded.

Slowly moving around to find the door, she finally found it and opened it. Trying to not draw any attention, the door began to make a huge creaking noise. Immediately closing it, the noise of a chainsaw started moving closer to the door. After the door was weakened, the murderer kicked down the door to see if anyone was in here.

"Run everyone! It's the gardener who lives nearby that's trying to kill us." Samantha ordered.

The murderer with the chainsaw in his hands, raised it up in the air and sawed Samantha's body into smaller body parts.

"NOO!!!" Alyssa said.

"We need to get out of here!" Yanet fearfully responded.

"You two go, I can't have us all die here!" Jenna said popping her knuckles.

"What about you?" Alyssa asked.

"I'll fight him off alone." Jenna replied.

The killer stood there, as he turned off the chainsaw and threw it her way. Dodging the attack, she moved out the way as she watched it go out the window. Looking out from above, she saw a man who was hanging from a thick branch.

"Wait a minute. If the gardener is already dead, then who the hell are you." Jenna asked.

The killer shook their head, taking out a knife from his pocket. Walking towards Jenna, the other two successfully escaped the scene and left to search for anyone else in the mansion.

"If you are one of our classmates, you should feel ashamed of yourself. Killing innocent people with no motive, no wonder people like you are in jail right now." Jenna stated with an angered tone.

The killer kicked her to the ground immediately after she said those final words. Still on the floor trying to get back up, the killer grabbed her by the neck and stabbed the knife straight into her chest area. Bleeding out, the murderer left the knife in her body and dropped her back on the floor.

Downstairs in a different hallway, the remaining were walking in a group together. Searching for the others, Darryl told the others to stop walking.

"What's the matter, Darryl?" Diego M. asked.

"I hear footsteps walking towards us." Darryl whispered.

Coming out of the shadows was Officer Cesar, Esmeralda, and Professor Walbridge.

"Surprised you all are still alive." Diego M. stated.

"Same for you!" Professor Walbridge said.

"We got more people. We still need to find the others still." Diego P. suggested.

"Good idea! Hopefully everyone else is okay." Officer Cesar said taking out his pistol.

They continued to walk and began to see a body remaining on the floor.

"Is that, Kassandra?" Diego M. asked.

Officer Cesar running up to her body, immediately checked her pulse.

"We were too late; she's probably been dead for a while now." Officer Cesar announced.

Still walking around, they found themselves at the living room again.

"Finally, we can all meet up with the others here." Officer Cesar thought out loud.

"Hopefully they're not dead." Diego M. said.

Just then, footsteps were heard on the stairs as Alyssa came down alone.

"Hey!" Diego M. happily yelled.

"Hi there! Officer Cesar, you need to come quick! Samantha and Jenna are dying!" Alyssa yelled.

"Stay here! Diego P. and I will go with Alyssa to help them." Officer Cesar ordered.

"All right. I'll stay here with Darryl, The Professor, and Esmeralda." Diego M. replied.

Alan still in his room, was interrupted when his door was randomly opened. Getting up from his seat, he went to go close it afterwards, on his way back to his seat, he picked up the nail bat on his bed, feeling a weird presence in the room. Before sitting down, someone threw a pillow onto the floor in front of him.

"Anyone there? Quit playing with me! I don't want to continue playing these stupid games of yours!" Alan said confusingly.

One of the killers crouching down beside the bed, jumped on top of him as he fell down and his glasses came off. Unable to see because of his vision and the darkness, he constantly pondered around, until the intelligent killer reused the nail bat and struck Alan on the head. Falling down on the desk, blood was splattered all over his computer, never to be able to sell another album ever again. As the killer erased the evidence of them being there, they left the scene quietly.

With Alyssa's group, they went to the room where Samantha and Jenna were at. Officer Cesar holding his pistol, was cautious of his surroundings and had Alyssa turn on her cell phone's light. After turning it on, all of them saw Jenna's and Samantha's torn up body hung up on the wall with a message next to it.

"This is crazy!" Diego P. yelled.

"Be quiet, the killer might find us!" Officer Cesar whispered.

"What does the message say?" Diego P. questioned.

Looking over to it, Alyssa pointed to it in fear.

"It says, "You're next!" Does this mean we're going to die after all?" Alyssa panicked.

"Calm down! This is just a joke or something." Officer Cesar trying to reassure her.

All of them turning around noticed that the door they left open, had been shut this entire time.

"No one make a move!" Officer Cesar still holding the pistol.

Suddenly appearing in front of them, Yanet held up her knife and stabbed Officer Cesar's head. Before dying, he shot the pistol as the bullet fired her in the chest, falling back from the impact.

"I didn't want to die like this!" Officer Cesar dropping the pistol on the floor. Falling back with the knife in his head, the other two just stood there with nothing to say as Yanet remained on the floor. Walking towards her body, Alyssa quickly asked her questions before she passed.

"I can't believe it was you this whole time! Why would you do this?!" Alyssa asked.

"It...was...because I was being blackmailed by someone. If I didn't kill the person I was assigned to, then I would... have too... see my family get murdered in front of my eyes. I am... only responsible for murdering Angelica and Alan!" Yanet said with blood gushing out of her mouth as tears formed from her eyes.

"Please, tell me who this killer is!" Alyssa desperately asked.

The flashes of lighting brightened up the room for a few seconds, showing Yanet's eyes closed, showing that she'd already have passed.

"There's no point. Officer Cesar is dead as well. What do we do now, Alyssa?" Diego P. questioned.

"We go tell the others we unfortunately lost two more people." Alyssa replied.

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