Chapter 5: Revealing the Truth

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Some of them decided to follow and escorted her to the dining room, where Janelle's body was slowly rotting.

"Oh my, look what we have here." Carlee said picking up another clue.

"What is it?" Darryl asked.

"It's a piece of cloth that belongs to the culprit." Carlee responded picking it up with her gloves that she had on from before.

"How?" Diego P. asked.

"If you look at it this way, I could do some test runs if they had a laboratory or something." Carlee sadly sighed.

"Do you know the killer yet?" Yanet asked.

"As of right now, yes I do!" Carlee grinned.

"Woah! Who is it?" Diego P. questioned.

"It's none other but Yanet herself!" Carlee shouted.

"You must be mistaken. Where is the evidence you are lacking currently?" Yanet said evilly smiling.

"Since you're really quiet, I just can't seem to trust you because of that!" Carlee countered.

"Me and Alejandro are going to find some rope outside so we can tie her up!" Darryl left with him.

Once outside, Darryl pulled out a shotgun from his coat. Alejandro who was distracted, searched around for anything similar to ropes. Darryl aimed a gun at Alejandro's head from behind, Alejandro turned around and immediately tried to run away into the woods. Darryl pulled the triggered and the fire was shot, sending him flying off the patio and hitting his head on the grass. Darryl threw the gun away and put his hands on his head, pretending to go crazy on what just happened. Running to the body, he saw Jenna and Itzania running away from the scene. He looked at the sky as raindrops fell on his face. He went back inside to tell the others what happened.

"What?! Alejandro's dead?" Diego P. yelled.

"Things keep on getting weirder." Carlee said checking the kitchen next.

"I saw Jenna and Itzania outside running away from the scene together!" Darryl added.

"Are you positive?" Yanet said.

"Yeah! They both vanished after running off." Darryl responded.

"Maybe they're connected to that man who lives in the shed." Carlee assumed.

"Let's just find out who the killer is." Diego P. quickly said.

Going back upstairs, everyone was shocked to find out another person just died.

"Even in groups, we're still vulnerable!" Diego M. said.

"Everyone still seems suspicious!" Alyssa stated.

"Okay, we're done with the pranks already! Me and Eric were actually the killers this whole time!" Alex shouted.

"We have all the evidence you need to call us the criminals." Eric said after.

"What? You guys are the killers? I don't think so." Alan said pausing his music.

"What if it's someone we haven't seen in a while?" Sergio suggested.

"What do you mean?" Samantha interrogated him.

"Well, we haven't seen Savannah, Samuel, or Cassandra in a long time. Don't you think that's really odd?" Sergio countered.

"He does have a point. However, we need to watch these two now." Alyssa said.

"Fine by me, let me just get something from my room." Alex quickly left.

As he left, Eric soon followed and everybody else was getting manipulated and confused by this whole mess.

"You heard them, they did confess." Diego M. thought.

"I'll be in my room dropping another album. Knock on my door if you need me for something." Alan said as he left.

"True, but Jenna and Itzania are missing." Carlee explained.

"You're right! Where did they go?" Diego M. questioned.

"Darryl said he saw them running away further into the woods after Alejandro died." Carlee answered.

"Is that true?" Diego M. asked.

"Yup." Darryl responded.

"Alyssa, can you go check on Alex and Eric?" Diego M. ordered.

"Sure, but why me?" Alyssa interrogated.

"You seem to know what you're doing lately." Diego M. weirdly replied.

"I mean I guess." Alyssa responded while leaving to go check their doors.

The moment she opened them, she found out they both weren't in their rooms.

"They're gone! Both their windows are open!" Alyssa yelled.

"What?! Get a search party right now and look for them." Diego M. yelled.

"I'll volunteer!" Diego P. said as he put on his jacket.

"Same here." Sergio said putting on his shoes.

"Count on me!" Darryl said running out the door.

"Samantha, watch over the group!" Diego M. yelled as he ran out next.

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