Marco Diaz X Reader

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Marco Diaz (Star vs the Forces of Evil) x Reader

Requested by franniej123


You jumped through the portal, made with dimensional scissors, and ran through the forest.

"(Y/n)! Hand over the wand!" You hear Ludo scream, his army of monsters grunting in response. You run into the castle of Mewni, skidding to a stop and turning. You raced into your best friends room, and jumped onto her bed.

"Here's your wand, now use it on-"

"-Aw, (Y/n), you're sweating." Star laughed, patting your head.

"But Ludo-"

"-Ludo-Smudo. You're here now. Let's go to Earth." Star grabbed her book, and took out her dimensional scissors.

"You had me go through all of that come with you." You pointed, glancing at the portal.

"Aw, (Nick/n), you haven't came in forever!" She cried, and you mentally face planted.

"I was with you two weeks ago-"

"And even then you didn't stay long!" She let out a scream, "You need to meet Marco!"

You stared at her, then gasped in realization. "Oh! The Earth turd..." You looked back at the portal, then to your beaming friend.

"Like you have anything better to do!" She asked, giving you a face of matter-a-fact, and you glared down at the floor.

"Well...yeah but..." You stopped, looking back at her face.

"Come on, (Y/n)! Bestie!" She urged, and you sighed.

"Yeah...yeah fine-"

"Yay!" She cheered, then pushed you through the portal. You bumped into someone on the other side, and fell down with an 'oof'. Star jumped in right in front of you, and you stayed seated on the floor, dusting you knees. "Heeeey, Marcooo." She grinned, "I have a new friend! And she'll be staying here with us!"

You glared at the back of her, "Wh-"

"Oh yay, another foreign exchange student." He said sarcastically.

"Excuse you?" You stood up and glared at the Earth Turd.

Marco's POV

"Oh yay, another foreign exchange student." I cried sarcastically, rolling my eyes at Star.

Does she even have the rights to open our house to a stranger?

"Excuse you?" A voice came from behind Star and I looked over her shoulder. A girl stood up, and everything seemed to move in slow motion. Her eye lids slowly opened, her (h/c) hair swooshed at her movement, and her lips were curved into a perfect...snarl. Oh, well then.

"Marco...Karate boy..." Star started, leaning into my face. I stepped back and looked at my friend.

"Uh-um-well are you even able to invite someone into my house?" I shook off whatever butterflies were in my stomach to glaze at my friend.

"Uh...probably not but...(Y/n)s like, totally my best friend, and she'll be yours too if you let her stay!" She cheered, jumping up and down. I looked back at (Y/n), and she crossed her arms.

"So, Karate boy, you're the one Stars talked about so much." She pushed, smirking at me.

"Yeah. I mean, she lives with me." I shrugged and her smirk flattened.

"Oh, no matchmaking for me." She grumbled, then smiled, putting out her hand. "Hi, I'm (Y/n)."

I grinned at her, and she slightly shook her hand in the air, telling me to take it. "Uh-I'm Marco. The Earth turd Karate boy." I took her hand, and she shook it strongly.

"Well, are you going to ask your parents if I can stay...for a bit..." She murmured and I shrugged.

"They honestly don't care, but sure?" I answered in more of a question, and she laughed.

"Well, if you say so." She said awkwardly, and Star let out a shriek.

"Yay! This will be, like, the longest sleepover ever!" She pulled me and (Y/n) into a hug, and our cheeks swished together.

(Y/n) laughed, then pushed against me, leaving the hug.

"Star, use your wand and gimme a room!" You did a jazz hands, happy to be staying in an earth home.

I smiled at (Y/n), happy to have another friend in the house.


You gallop down the stairs, and slide into the kitchen with your socks.

"Hey, Mr and Mrs Diaz." You greeted, stopping in front of the fridge. The first few weeks it was magical portal from food land. was just fridge.

"Hello, (Y/n)."

You pulled out an ice cream pint and a spoon.

"Bye, Mr and Mrs Diaz." You didn't even wait for an answer, you were already running back up the stairs. "Star! Star! Star! Star!" You screamed, racing into her room. But to your luck, she was asleep. "Dang." You grumbled, then grinned as you ran into Marcos room. You slipped in the hall, falling against the wall. You grunted before continuing. "Marco! Marco! Marco! Marco!" You ran into him as he was walking out to tell you to shut up. His hands sprung around you waist, and because you were running, your impact made you both fall. You were on top of him, and both your hands were on either side of him. Your ice cream had fallen onto the floor, and you frowned, before grinning again at the young brunette before you.

"Marco! Okay so it's-" You pushed yourself up and continued, "Today's-"

"Happy Birthday, (Y/n)." His face was still red, and you helped him up.

"Thank you! And so my parents are having a birthday for me and everyone in this house is invited!" You hugged him, jumping up and down constantly. His face, if possible, turned a darker red, and you laughed. "Aw, you're so red." You mocked a pouting face, patting his cheek.

"Cut it out," He laughed, swatting your hands away.

You laughed at him, then jumped and pecked his lips. You grinned as he froze. A smile spread across his face, and he put a hand behind your head, pulling your lips to meet his.

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