Hiro X Reader

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Hiro X Reader

Requested by @AuChaton805


You sat with Hiro in the seat parallel to yours in the Lucky Cat Café, glaring at each other. A plate holding one dumpling lay between the two of you.

"I am not weak." You told him, eyes scanning.

"Neither am I," He replied. "What's that?" He hummed, "Is that a loser, I smell?"

"No. It's dumplings." You smiled, and he scoffed.

"Let me win and I'll give you five dollars-"

"The satisfaction of beating your butt has more worth." You picked a dumpling up with your chopsticks, holding it in front of his nose.

"(Y/n)." He warned, eyes looking down at the food.

"Doesn't that smell absolutely delicious? Just one bite will give you grilled veggies and meats...the juice from the boiled goodness."

He bit his lip, trying to look up at you, but his eyes kept going down to the dumpling.

You held it closer, smirking, "Peer pressure. Peer pressure. Peer pressure."

Swiftly, he ate the dumpling, glaring at you.

You cheered in victory, standing up and causing everyone to look at you.

"That's not fair. You cheated..." He grumbled, chewing.

You gave him a grin, "No, I stated the containments of the food as I held in front of your nose in temptation."

He chuckled, running a hand through his hair.

"So, now you got to take me out to dinner," You beamed, "My choice."

He rolled his eyes, but smirked, "Let me guess,(f/p)."

You put a hand to your heart, smiling at your best friend, "Aw, you know me so well."

"Hm, sure. Later." He grinned, "For now, we play video games."

"My choice." You hummed, following him up to his room.

You both slumped onto the floor, a game controller in each of your hands.

"(F/g). Prepare to loose."


"I can't believe I lost!" You screamed, falling back in defeat.

"Karma." Hiro smirked, knocking on your head, "That's what you get for cheating."

You frowned, swatting his hands away.

"Now, feed me. Get your wallet and take me out."

His face reddened.

"As friends." You said quickly, "N-not on a-"

"Yep! Got it!" He jumped from his spot, picking his belongings from his night stand before grabbing your wrist and leading you back down the stairs. Waving to Aunt Cass before left, you started your walk to your favorite place to eat.

On the way, you grabbed Hiro's, swinging it back and forth, taking no notice to his burning red face.

The two of you had been besties since middle school, but the little genius skipped grades. You still hung out, but him being the same age but above grades was still awkward.

Eventually, you began to talk again when he got into college. Now, he was a junior there, and at the age of sixteen.

Show off.

You looked up at him, examining his features. He hasn't changed much mentally, he was still the immature genius from before. His raven hair still fell, tossed messily but attractively, and he had fixed the small gap in his teeth.

He was extremely cute.

You then noticed his flushed cheeks, and grinned. Giving his hand a squeeze for him to look at you, you leaned up an pecked his cheek.

"Look! We're here!" You called, breaking from his hold to run ahead. He followed quickly behind, blushing furiously.


You burped loudly, hand flying to cover your mouth.

"Haha, oops?" You chuckled, standing as Hiro placed a twenty on the table.

"Apology not accepted." He rolled his eyes, grabbing your wrist, tugging you out of (f/p).

You hummed in response, "You do, I know it. If not, you should remember you burp louder in the library."

He blushed, scoffing. You giggled, nodding.

"See? You know what I'm talking about-"

"-Ha, no. I just-"

"You just what?"

You were allowing the tall, thin yet toned male walk you home, hands holding one another unintentionally.

"I just want you to stop teasing me, for a starter." He pointed out, smiling.

"Okay, Genius. What else?"

"Stop calling me that, secondly." He put a finger to your chest, as you stopped at your door.

"But you are-"

"And stop flirting." He finally said, crossing his arms, flustered.

"Only if you stop flirting with me."

"Listen, Princess-"

"-Don't call me Princess-"

"-Listen Princess, if you want to flirt then you need to ask me out."

"You should be brave and ask me! Girls shouldn't be the ones getting flowers and rings for a boy-"

"It would be highly appreciated-"

"-Just kiss me, you idiot." You jumped forwards, putting yours hands swiftly on the back of his nape and pulling his lips to yours.

His eyes shot open, stumbling back a bit, before putting his hands on your hips.

Your front doors knob shook, and you both jumped apart as it opened, revealing your older brother.

He glared at the Hiro, scoffing.

"Thanks for dinner, bye, Hiro, love you!" You said quickly, shoving your brother into the house once more waving, and shut the door.

Loud talking could be heard from inside the house, causing Hiro to awkwardly shuffle away.



His face burned.



"She said she loved me."

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