Bill Cipher X Reader

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Bill Cipher X Reader

Requested by @demonchildd789


You raced off the bus stop as soon as you could, "I'm here! I'm here! I'm here!" You screamed,
jumping with each step. You sped into town happy to be back after your school years in California. "Hello, Gravity Falls!" You cried, throwing your hands in the air, closing your eyes because of your giant grin. Suddenly, you crashed into someone. "Oh, sorry!" You laughed, looking up into the strangely yellow eyes.

"You better be." The man stood, fixing a glare on you. His eyes widened, then his face fell into a smirk, "Well, well...we have a new kid in town."

"One, I'm not new! I grew up in this town! Two, who the hell are you calling a kid?"

"Toots, if you left here when you were seven, a lot has changed." He crossed his arms.

How'd he know I left when I was seven? This dude is weird...

" that case I should be leaving! Because I have a-ahaha...a lot to see!" You tried to leave, but he grabbed your upper arm, pulling you close to him.

"Well, sense you did bump into bout we make ourselves a deal?" You starred at the hand that was held out in front of you.

"What kind of deal..." You asked, cautiously eyeing his hand.

The man was tall and had fair skin. He had golden blonde locks that fell into long bangs. He wore yellow dress pants, which was oddly unusual even for this town, and a white dress shirt with a black tie. And, to make him even more stranger, he had an eye patch on in the shape of a triangle.

"I'll...tell you my half later but you can get a grand tour of Gravity Falls in return!" He smirked, stretching the hand out further.

"Well I don't make deals until I know what I need to give the other in return!" You crossed your arms and he narrowed his eyes.

"Just shake my hand, you ignorant f-"

You grabbed his hand, starring at him like he was crazy, "Geez, dude no need to loose your chill..."

Your eyes widened at the warm, numb feeling in your hand and as you looked at it, blue fire flickered.

"-WHAT THE!" You yelled, jumping back and staring at your hand.

He smirked, "Bill Cipher, Sweetheart." He bowed, grabbing your hand and planting a kisses on the back of your hand, slowly tracing them up your arm. "At your service..." He then chuckled lowly, "Well actually, you're now at mine."

You yanked your arm back, "Why did my hand just light on fire!"

"Cause we made a deal, Darling." He grinned, placing a hand on your back and leading you into the woods.

"Wh-what are you doing!"

"The grand tour." He winked, and you tried to move away but his hand grasped your wrist.

"What was the deal! What did you get from it?" You tried to pull away, but he pushed you against the tree.

"Well, I don't make deals with beautiful, young ladies for nothing. I" He whispered into your ear, and you shoved him away.

"Uh, no." You laughed, trying to move away, "I don't belong to you."

"Yes, you do, M'Lady."

"Don't call me M'Lady! Or Darling or anything!"

"Fine, (Y/n)." He shrugged, lacing his fingers with yours once more.

"How do you know my name?" You snapped, using your loose arm to point at him.

"I can read minds, Ma'am." He wrapped an arm around your waist, dragging you into his chest.

You laughed dryly, "Wow, you are getting stranger by the second." You tried again to shove him away, "Now back the hell up."

"I, myself, am a Dream Demon!"

"A...Dream Demon."

"The best, the greatest, the most powerful, the handsomest..." He then leaned into your face, "Fantastic with the ladies."

You yelped, stepping on his foot, hoping he'd let you go, but he laughed.

"I fine pain hilarious, I hope you know you're doing nothing but turning me on." He purred, backing you into a tree, once again.

"Well fuck me." You growled under your breath, and he chuckled.

"Gladly." He mused, before roughly pinching your chin "Have you ever wanted to see hell?"

You scrunched your face, hand trying to find the pepper spray on your belt, "It's never been on my bucket list-"

"Cause where we are about to go is probably worst then that." He grabbed your wrist, placed a kiss on your nose, and your surroundings changed from the beautiful, green woods you had waited to see for years.

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