Lars X Shy! Reader

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Lars X Reader

Requested by @MyOnlySilence


A/n- I watched a episode of Steven Universe so I could understand this character and I realized why you requested this. He was rude but adorable so hehe. This isn't the what the actual character looks like, but he's cute so heh.

Btw the remaining requests I have may be really short and crappy. Guessing, I'll open requests in a few days. Remember, they're open for a few hours before closed again, and until I finish.

You whistled nervously, rocking on your feet as the orange headed male glared at you.

"Are you...going to pick that up?" He asked in annoyance, and you chuckled.

" mean yes-yes I-I-" You quickly jumped to the floor, collecting your dropped books, along with his.

He raised an eyebrow, "Chill out, kid."

You let out a quiet scoff, standing with your arms around your books, handing him his.

With his brow still raised, grabbing the book from your hands, brushing hands with yours.

You blushed slightly, but retracted your hands quickly.

"I'm chill." You mumbled, avoiding eye contact.

"Uh-huh." He chuckled, "Sure, kid."

You clutched your books into your hands, laughing, "Haha, okay Mister." You moved to get around him, walking away.

He stood watching the spot you were just standing at, then jumped, turning around.

"Hey, wait." He grasped your wrist, causing you to turn to him.

"Um...w-what?" Your face, along his, reddened.

"Uh...what's...class do you have next?" He stepped back, releasing your wrist.

You gave him a confused look, "Pre Calculous, wh-"

He grinned, "Then shall I escort you?"

You scrunched your face, "W-why would you..." You then blushed deeper, "Oh. U-um..."

He frowned, "Heh, I mean. Like-I just-you don't-"

"Sure?" You bit your lip as he grinned.

"Cool!" He then nodded, humming, "That's cool."

You snorted softly, starting your walk again, him following after you.

"I'm Lars." He smirked, putting his hands behind his back, books held in one hand.

You laughed, tugging at your backpack, "Um...I'm (Y/n)."

"Are you new?" He asked, looking towards you with a smug grin.

"Um...y-yes. Yeah, I'm new." You avoided his eyes, looking around as you passed several people.

"Cool." He let out a laugh, bopping his shoulders, "You can hang out with my friends and I."

"Me and my friends," You corrected, fighting back a blush. He sent you a glare, so you added a quick, "Thank you."

He nodded, turning back, "Pre Cal is right here."

You stopped outside a door, giving him a small smile, "Thanks, Lars."

"No problem, kid-I mean (Y/n)."

You giggled, turning to walk into class but was stoops when a hand was placed on your shoulder.

"So...were now...friends?" He asked, surprising the both of you.

You pursed your lips, thinking.

"I mean I'm cool if-"

You smiled, "Yeah."

You stepped back, then quickly turned to kiss his cheek.

"See ya." You beamed, before quickly walking into class. You placed your stuff onto a desk, exhaling sharply before grinning.

Outside of the class, stood a blushing orange-haired boy with big ears.


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