Chat Noir X Male! Reader

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Chat Noir X Male Reader

Requested by @KaiKillingWalkers


A/n- first male reader tell me how it goes!!

You stretched, groaning as your limbs let out a satisfying pop.

You then relaxed back against your desk. You had been doing nothing but writing for the past forty minutes, and thankfully had only a few minutes till class was dismissed.

Your (h/l), (h/c) fell around your face and you let your head fall face-first onto your paper.

Why'd we even need to write about the two stupid heros of Paris any ways? You've got yourself a weird red-and-black lady insect and a stubborn crazy (A/N- at first it said vacuum instead of crazy and I died) cat that causes nothing but trouble. He may be cute, but he was definitely not your type.

The bell rang, and you quickly packed your bags and turned in the essay.

"Hey, (Y/n)!"

You skid to a stop, turning with a grin that read yay-someone-else-to-stop-me-from-getting-home.

"Oh, hey...Adrien." You smiled, holding my bag tighter.

"You wanna hang out tonight? I mean-like...hehe...bro with bro time."

You tried my best to ignore his increasing red cheeks, and smirked to stop yours from growing pink, "Sure."

"Great! I mean, cool, cool." He nodded, then added a quick, "Um I'll text you?"

"No matter how awkward that sounds, yes." You laughed, running a hand through your hair, then jumping around him.

"I've got to get home. You know food won't eat itself!" You gave a little salut then walked off, blushing a bright red.

Yeah, okay, sure you wanted to get home. But wasting a few minutes on Adrien instead of food is okay too, sometimes.

As soon as you got home, you opened the pantry, grabbed a bag of chips, and plopped down on the couch.

And, of course, the first notification you get is:

Really sorry (Y/n) but something came up...sort of last minute. Maybe another time?

You frowned but texted a quick reply of, It's cool, Bro, it's cool! I've always got last minute plans...I don't mind a bit!

You then stood, shoving your phone into your pocket.

"And I'm done with eating (f/s) so I'm going to (f/f/p)." You stood, grabbing your wallet before walking out the door and across the street to (f/f/p).

That was before you saw two people run past you, one in a red and black the other in all black.

"Hey, clear out, people!" Cat Noir yelled, pointing at the other side of the building. His eyes landed on you and his face instantly reddened. "Uh...Last minute battle?" He chuckled, then slammed his hands over his mouth. Your eyes widened and the cat mumbled a quick curse before giving a curt wave and running off.

"Adrien..." I scrunched my face in confusion, "Is a cat person..."

A/n- it's short and cute!😂😘

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