Fix it Felix Jr X Reader

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Fix it Felix Jr X Reader

Requested by @4sapphire4


A/n- this isn't that good but I tried and it's cute so😂 he's a hard character to deal with!!

You laughed, running into the next game.

You were a game-hopper. Your game was unplugged, so there you were, racing from game to game to see what it was like.

Today, was Fix it Felix Jr.

You ran through the cord and grinned at the sight of the large building. You walked over to a bench and took a seat. You never really communicated with other seeing what each character did and they're part in the game was the greatest.

You were from a motorcycle race game called Windy Mindy. Mindy was your best friend, the character who explained the rules of the game and the one who waved the flag at he beginning. While you were the one were the only female racer, which was a perk, because you were picked by the girls who didn't care about speed meters. Though you bike wasn't the fastest, you always dodged obstacles at ease.

And sadly, that's how your game got unplugged.  

You still sat in your gear, tights, black and (f/c) shoes...and a (f/c) metal vest. You groaned and pulled off the vest, happy the game had been programmed to let you.

You watched the game curiously. You didn't understand the point...besides the big dude crushing things and the little dude fixing them. Then there were those creepy had pie though, so you were going to ask about next time. The game seemed to repeat over and over...and it was boring as heck. Finally, after one game, everyone started walking around without controllers.

Guess the arcade closed...

You smiled, sat up, and started for the game station when the tiny dude jumped into front of you.

"We have someone going Turbo!" He hollered, holding out a hammer to block you from moving.

"Excuse you, what did you call me?" You scrunched your face and he stepped back.

"You're gonna try to take over this game!"

"Chill, Tiny Hammer Dude, my game was unplugged! I just like to visit games and watch!"

He dropped his arms, "Oh, well I strongly apologize..."

"No need, I was just leaving-" You scoffed, walking around him.

"No, please stay for pie!" He grabbed your hand and pulled you back.

You pursed your lips, wanting to dismiss the idea and leave, but sighed, "Ok, I'll come."

He jumped into the air, the ran off, "Follow me!"

And that idea got you into an awkward position. Absolutely everyone stood looking at you when you walked in.

"Yesh, starring is rude." You rolled your eyes, looking at the shorty for help.

"Friends, this is..."

"(Y/n)...I'm from Windy Mindy."

"Yes! Her game was unplugged so-" Shorty added, only to be cut off by, yet again, another shorty.

"-She's going turbo!"

"No! No, Martha she's not going Turbo. She just watches games time to time! A-"

"And if you don't want me here I'll happily leave. With all of this I feel like I overstayed my welcome."

Everyone looked at you again, either glaring or just staring in shook.

"Well...would you like some pie?" A small woman asked, and you nodded.

"Yes, please!" You grinned, and some laughed.

"So, (Y/n) was your game unplugged?" Shorty asked, and you frowned.

"Whats your name, Shorty?"

Everyone gasped at the nickname, but Shorty smiled.

"I'm Fix it Felix Jr...from the game Fix it Felix Jr." He responded, pointing upwards to the glass screen, "Call me Felix."

"Nice to meet you...all." You raised an eyebrow, hoping he had dropped the topic from before.

"So how was your game unplugged?" He asked, slicing the pie and handing you a plate.

"Um..." You played with the pie with your fork, sighing. "Well, I was really into the race and I went Rogue..."

Everyone gasped, conversations beginning to spread across the room. "You went...Rogue? You yourself...when someone was controlling you already?"

You growled and slammed your hands on the table, "I was in twelfth place! The player was so slow and kept running me into things! Robby and I had made a bet and I really didn't want to loose! I never loose!" You cried, tears brimming at your eyes, "And my best friend was still in there when they pulled the plug and it was my fault."

Everyone watched you silently. Felix placed a hand on your shoulder and sighed, "I am truly sorry, (Y/n). But please, take my offer. If you want to, we would all love if you stayed here in this game."

You looked up at him in surprise, "Excuse me?"

"You're really nice and humorous," He mumbled, "And very pretty, if I do say..."

You blushed at this, and stood, "N-no I...but I-I have..."

You pursed your lips. "If I die here..." You didn't finish your sentence, then sighed. "Thank you, Felix...but I can't."

He frowned but nodded, "You can...always visit. Whenever you want."

He grabbed your hand and kissed it, which made you laugh and redden.

"I'll definitely take you up on that offer." You leaned down and kissed his cheek, then grabbed your plate of pie, "Thank you...all so much..."

You stepped backwards, only to run into something hard. You looked up and went pale.

"So! Are we having a party?" A voice called, and you winced, stepping away.

"Ralph! So nice to see you've joined!" Felix clasped his hands.

Ralph then looked down at you, "Are you seriously telling me this girl can join the party but I can't? I'm part of the game?" He hollered, and you laughed.

"I was just leaving-" You waved and jumped out the door and into the elevator as fast as you could.

"You're not getting out of this one that quick, Missy!"

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