Various X Reader {And Rants}

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A/N- My phone is entirely broken now. I cannot do one single thing except call and text message. The texts have to be green, and I can't text on group chats. But that's okay. WHY?

Because you amazing, incredible, beautiful people make the possibility of me reaching 2,000 followers, and amazing ratings and places. Check out the rankings for this story!

I miss writing, and swear I will have all of the requests from last year finished before summer ends. I'm planning to finish them, and then post them all at once. Not smart, because the amount of notifications will be chaotic, but it will be easier.

I had my geometry Friday (probably failed), and thank god it is the only real exam I have due to exceptions besides Spanish II. But guess what! I GOT INTO THEATRE PRO. Yes, yes I used to be in it for those that remember, but did not continue after I left middle school. I had just done regular theatre for my fine arts credits, but the teachers told me they wanted me to legit the day before, I found two monologues, wrote a 300 word essay (I wrote 500 words because I'm extra), and found a song to sing that worked best with my voice...I did Waving Through A Window from Dear Evan Hansen. The class now has 70 people, and they narrowed it down to 38 people, most of them being current theatre production members. And, I got into Dance II! 

Still hasn't happened because I suck, but remember I was planning to make the X Reader book and still did not know who with? Yep, back in August or whatever..hehe. Please go follow me on Tumblr (I can't go on Tumblr currently I forgot my password and username), but I will be holding a poll (if possible) to help determine the Character X Reader book.

Thank you guys for putting up with me through the years(?). I love you guys so much  

Now. Enjoy the chapter that is long over due.


You clutched your knuckles so hard they were white.

Your breath was shaking as your vision began to blur. 

"No." You whispered, your face paling as your run turned into slow drags.

"It can't end like this."

You let out a long, painful scream as you collapsed...the words GAME OVER  flashing on the now black screen. 

A victory cry could be heard on the other side of your headphones as you laid on the floor of your room, the plush carpet comforting you as you basked in your loosing. 

"Seriously, (Y/n)? That was pathetic." Your boy/girlfriend retorted, and you sent a harsh laugh to them. "Can you get better? I want an actual challenge when I play Fort Knights." (aha I'm so clever) 

You glared at the ceiling as (C/n) continued to chuckle in amusement. 

"Rematch?" They asked, and you grumbled. "No?" You grumbled once more in reply, getting a giggle in response. "Do you forgive me for completely destroying you?" Again, you grumbled. (C/n) sighed, humming softly in thought. "How about I order you pizza?"

You immediately sprung from the floor, ripping the headphones off of your head and turning off the television, then dusted off your (f/c) plaid pajama pants and black tank top. You kicked off the blanket that had knotted itself around your legs and slipped a pair of shoes on over your fluffy socks. You grabbed your keys and phone, racing out the door without saying a word to your family. 

You rang the doorbell frantically, biting your lip in excitement, before sighing loudly and pulling the thin golden key out from underneath a rock in his front lawn. You unlocked the door, placing the key back, before frantically running through the door. Kicking off your shoes, you followed the sound of your boy/girlfriends laugh. As you rounded the corner, you slipped, falling backwards in the most animated way. A hand grasped yours, and for a split second you were safe...before you swung into the wall, crashing into a table.

Various x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now