Chaptee Three

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"Retched." I said.
"Absolutely atrocious." Alex continued.
"Disfiguring, demented, obscene."
"Dishonourable, fascist, disappointing."
"Okay, I've watched both of you for the last fifteen minutes. What the hell is your problem with that wall?" Riley interrupted our session, forcing us to pry our eyes away from the plain wall.
"Nothing." Alex shrugged.
"We're just trying to sound dignified by spouting fancy words." I explained. "Is it working?"
"If by dignified you mean two nut jobs screaming mismatched words at a blank wall. Then mission accomplished." She replied dryly. I looked at Alex before looking back at the wall.
"Oh for fuck's sake." Riley groaned. "That's it we're going out."

"Why are we in a bar?" I asked. "We're underaged." Alex nodded.
"I'm not really in the mood for human interaction." She said.
"You two have been holed up in the apartment all weekend screaming nonsense to a fucking wall. You need human interaction." Riley explained, looking warily at both me and Alex.
"That's great and all but why the fuck I'm I here?" Ashley interjected.
"Because, Shrimp, if I have to suffer so do you." Alex replied. "Part of our partnership."
"That's it I'm leaving." Ashley got up and head for the door only for me to grab her and sit her back down.
"Too fucking late, Ash. We're in this together."

After a few shots both Riley and Ashley were completely out of it. "Haha, there are two Alexes." She giggled. Lightweight.
"Oh god, my nightmare." Ashley screeched, rushing to the bathroom or at least I think she is-
"Well, hello there." I heard a slight familiar voice, turning to see Mason sitting next to me.
"How'd you find me?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Stalking me now."
"No, I just happen to be here at the same exact time as you and your hot friends." He winked at Alex and Riley, making me frown.
"It's my GPS, isn't it?"
"You catch on fast, Wilson."
"Don't call me that." I said seriously.
"Calm down. I just wanna have some fun." He grabbed my hip, bringing me closer, I could smell the alcohol. I try and squirm but for a pervert he's strong.
"Hey, Jackass." Alex who was now standing next to Mason, called out.
"What is it, sweetheart? Want in on the fun?" He smirked.
"Yeah, sure." She smiled, inching closer to him, however moments before their lips met, something flashes in her eyes and she headbutts him, sending him to the ground, grabbing his bleeding nose and now being the one to squirm. I looked at Alex, eyebrows raised.
"Did you just headbutt him?" She offered a sheepish smile. "Girl, you're my new best friend." I high fived.
"Should we help him?" She pointing to Mason, who was still on the flooring, crying in agony and talking about seeing the "light" or something.
"Nah, he's as healthy as can be." I brushed it off. "We should probably get Riley and Ashley out of here and far away from any alcoholic beverages."
"Do we have to?" Alex whined. "It's kinda amusing." She looked over at Riley who was dancing and simultaneously playing pool, and winning, at same time.
"Don't worry, everyone." Ashley announced, coming out the bathroom more disheveled than before. "The shrimp has prevailed yet again-" she stopped midway, running back to the bathroom.
"You're right, it's more amusing to watch them make utter fools of themselves." I smirked.
"You get me so well." She placed her hands above where her heart is, pretending to wipe a tear away.
"Eh," I shrugged.

"Alex and Keira, get your lazy assess out of bed this very instance or I'm dragging you out." I woke to the sound of Riley yelling.
"Man, what happened to inside voices?" Alex yawned, rubbing her drowsy eyes.
"You're both sleeping in and it's pissing me off." Was Riley's simple and curt answer.
"Man, what happened to lazy Sunday's?" Alex yawned again, still rubbing her drowsy eyes.
"It's only lazy for one of you, Keira you're starting your new job today."
"No thank you." I tried to return to my bedroom only to be stopped by Riley's fearsome grip.
"You're going or you're getting kicked out." She said.
"Wait, you were serious?" I looked at her green eyes, receiving nothing but domineering coldness. "Wow, Riley, wow. Nice to know, you have my back." I pulled my arm away from her and walked to my room, utterly pissed; a bad mood to start the day with.

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