Chapter Four

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"So Faith, why do you look like you wanna kill someone?" I asked, interrupting Faith from trading insults with a coffee machine.
"No reason." She sighed, finally giving up on ever getting a coffee today.
"Oh, come on, it has to be something. People say I'm very good listener." She stood there staring at me blankly, I wonder if this is how people saw me back then, before finally saying something.
"Just family problems." Faith shrugged, but I knew, from experience, that's it's never "just" when it comes to family. But seeing as the girl barely knows me, I decided to drop it...for now.
"Well, then. Would you like to hang out with me after our shifts?" She blinked, looking at me with a confused look.
"Why?" Faith asked cautiously.
"Because you're my new best friend." I replied casually.
"Best friend? We barely know each other."
"Yeah, that has to change." I nodded. "Let's go to the new cafe that just opened."
"But I didn't-"

"Isn't it just so cool?" I said, looking around at the walls that had all sorts of things stuck to the wall; bicycles, ski equipment, car parts, vintage cameras and so on. I turned my gaze to Faith, she was searching around, very confused. "What's wrong?" I raised an eyebrow.
"What just happened?" She asked.
"What do you mean?"
"We were just in the shop and now we're here." She gestured towards the cafe before looking at me warily. "How!?"
"Oh. You noticed it too?" Yes, I am still very self-aware about the fact that I'm in a story, but telling anyone would've made me sound more crazier than I already was. "I wouldn't think about it too much if I were you." I tried to brush it off.
"But-" I guess she's not having it.
"Do you want to end up in a mental hospital, Faith? Do you?!" I began shaking her for effect.
"Exactly, so don't ask questions that can't be answered!"
"Okay, can you stop shaking me now?"
"Oh, sorry." I took my hands off of her. "Anyway, can I ask you a few questions, Faith?"
"I don't see why not." She shrugged.
"What's your last name?"
"Connors." Faith Connors? I swear I heard that before.
"Do you have any pets?"
"Do my sisters count?" Yep, I'm really starting to like this girl.
"Favourite colour?"
"Don't have one."
"Why not?"
"It's pointless."
"Okay. Hobby?"
"Writing." REALLY staring to like her.
"Like novels?" She nodded. "How many have you written so far?"
"A couple."
"Do you think of ever publishing them?"
"Are, or ever have been, an alien?"
"Are you an alien?"
"You hesitated."
"Because you asked me if I was an alien." Forgot that that always gets them.
"Where do you go to college?"
"Me too. What is your major?"
"So you want to be a doctor when you're older?"
"My dad is kinda forcing me to."
"My dad tried to force the idea on me too but I just ignored him."
"Well, I don't have that privilege." Her parents must put a lot of pressure on her. Reminds me of my mom back then.
"I didn't either. But I made my own choice in the end." She looked at me, a hint of surprise behind that stone cold armor. "So, do you have a boyfriend?"
"No." She answered flatly. "Never will."
"Why...? Oh wait, do you swing the other way? Because you know, I don't really mind, I actually have a friend who is gay."
"What? No." She shook her head. "I'm not gay, I'm just not interested in dating. And even if I was, my dad wouldn't let me; I'm "too young"."
"Seriously?" She nodded. "And I thought my dad was a pain. I feel for you."
"What do you want?" She asked bluntly, to say that I didn't expect would be nothing short of a lie.
"You looked out of it today so I just wanted to cheer you up." I sighed. "Is it working?"
"Not really." She shook her head.
"Oh...." I looked down.
"I'm kidding. It was a joke." She smiled and began laughing to herself, I couldn't help but laugh myself; mostly at how lame the joke was.
"So you are having fun?"
"I guess." She shrugged, still wearing her blank expression.
"Seriously? You can at least pretend that you don't want to dig your own grave than be here." I scoffed.
"What are you talking about?"
"You look like you want kill someone and then feed their parts to wolves."
"Thanks?" Maybe she just has RBF you say? Well you're probably right but I feel like she'd kill me any second now. "Maybe you should run away before it's too late." She suggested playfully, making me narrow my eyes.
"Are you trying to get rid of me?"
"That obvious, huh?"
"That really hits home, Connors, I thought we were best friends." I placed a hand over my heart, feigning heart.
"Then I'm pretty sure you're delusion." Now, that really hits home but I know it's all in good fun so I'll let it slide. "Can I ask you a question?"
"Aren't you already asking me one?" I retorted.
"What? No that doesn't count, shut up." I chuckled at how easy she was making this. "What do you get out of this?"
"Hmm," I tapped my chin. "You know back in high school I wasn't all that sociable and didn't have any friends, well I had one but I was in denial, so I guess I'm trying to be more active socially so I don't end up in the same rut. Also Irealllyhatemybestfriendrightnow."
"Wait, what was the last part?" She raised an eyebrow.
"Nothing, just saying how much I enjoy the weather today." I tried to play it casual but ended up coughing. Faith looked up before turning her gaze at me.
"We're inside."
"Oh yeah..." I coughed again thankfully a majestic whale came to my rescue.
"Hey, Keira, what are you doing here?" Alex asked, I noticed that she was wearing the waitress uniform, it pissed me off how good she looked in it. Attractive people pfft...
"Admiring the food."
"Are you being serious?
"Well let's see, I'm sitting in a cafe during my one lunch break and I haven't eaten all day... of course I'm not serious!"
"Sheesh, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today." Alex rolled her eyes. "Oh, who is this?" She looked at Faith. "New friend? Our little Keira is growing up so fast." She teased.
"Oh, screw you, Dolan." I huffed, folding my arms. "And this is Faith Connors, she's my new best friend."
"Again we barely know each-"
"What happened to Riley?" Alex interrupted. "You two still fighting?"
"By "fighting" do you mean trying to control the undeniably urge of strangling her in her sleep?" I said matter-of-factly. Alex thought about it, yes she actually took the time and brain capacity to think about a rhetorical question and I'm absent-minded?
"I guess so... wait, is this why you were standing outside of Riley's room and staring at her while she slept with that "I wanna watch the world burn" look of yours?"
"No, I was resisting the urge to dose her in gasoline and then set on fire, now it's simple suffocation since I calmed down."
"Wait, is that why you were holding a lighter?"
"Back up, you mean you saw me staring at Riley with my infamous look, holding a bright green lighter and didn't do anything?"
"How to get away with murder was on tv." She shrugged.
"Priorities." She smiled sheepishly.
"Excuse me, are we going to eat anytime soon?" Faith interjected, reminding us of her presence.
"Oh, yeah, I'll order the grilled cheese sandwich and Faith...?"
"Egg club." She slid the menu away from her. Alex stood there, staring at us incredulously.
"What are you still doing here?" I did the little shoo gesture.
"You can't really expect me to get your orders and watch you eat while I'm forced to work, right?" Faith and I looked at her, shrugging simultaneously. "What happened to friendship?"
"Friendship is overrated." We spoke in unison, I high-fived her.
"You guys suck." She begrudgingly wrote down our orders and left. What? If she didn't want to watch people eat in front of her she shouldn't have become a waitress.

"Well class that concludes our lesson." I woke up to the sound of Mrs Jackson, my psychology teacher. I should probably stop sleeping in my classes but old habits die hard. "You will have a test next week on all we've taken so far. I suggest you don't take it lightly since it will be 40% of your grade, so study hard." She put her things in an orderly fashion like usual, she hates messes and is almost a bigger clean freak than my father. "You may leave now." I heard a clatter of noises as students picked up their bags and rushed out of class, I yawned swinging my bag over my shoulder. "Not you, Keira, I want to speak to you." What now? I rubbed my eyes, striding down the steps until I reached her desk.
"What's this about?" I asked politely.
"I really hope you'll be studying for this one, Keira."
"Of course I will, failing psychology is not on my bucket list after all."
"Oh yes, Mr. Lou informed me of your little joke." Forgot the teachers talked. "Keira, I need you to promise that you will try this time, you're a brilliant student and one day you'll be a brilliant psychologist if only you studied." I sighed, flattery almost always worked for me.
"Fine. I promise that'll I study this time. Can I leave now?"
"Thank you." With that I hurried out the class, wanting nothing than to go back to the apartment and fall head-first on my bed.

"I'm home-" I stopped when I saw a small figure rummaging through our fridge. A normal person would've freaked and thought they had an intruder or whatever but like I said; small figure. They turned around only to reveal honey-filled eyes. "Maia?"
"Hey sis, you missed me?"

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