Chapter Seven

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"Keira, we have a a problem!" Alex burst in my room, Ashley close behind. She grabbed my shoulders and began shaking me. "I repeat, we have a problem!"
"What?" I asked, getting slightly nauseous.
"It took us by surprise, we should've been more cautious!" Ashley started to jump up and down hysterically, I wasn't sure whether she was hyperventilating or just needed to use the bathroom.
"This is all your fault, Shrimp!" Whale- I mean Alex spat, looking at Ashley with disdain.
"How is this my fault?!"
"You distracted me!"
"Again, how is it my fault you have the attention span of a five year old-"
"I don't mean to interrupt your... whatever this is. But can you stop shaking me?"
"Oh sorry," Alex let go.
"Thank you." I held my head, feeling a migraine coming along. "You do realize you broke my only two rules, right?"
"Yeah, sorry..." She trailed off.
"Can't say I'm surprised." I sighed, they always forget.
"ANYWAY," Ashly interjected. "Why the hell didn't you tell us that Riley's brother is a fuckboy?" Now, that caught me by surprise.
"What?" I asked, dumbfounded.
"Well, after you told us about this Jacob guy we obviously checked his media."
"Obviously." I rolled my eyes. "So what'd you find?"
"He's a classic fuckboy, just look at his Instagram photos. They are all of him, trying to look all sexy." She aggravated. "I expected more from Riley's brother."
"First of all, he's her half-brother. Second of all, Jacob might be a narcissist but he's not a fuckboy... I think."
"Aha, you see!" Alex pointed at me abruptly.
"See what exactly?" I raised an eyebrow.
"You know nothing. You should be looking out for Riley, and she needs to know what her brother's up to!"
"Yeah, let's go!" Ashley screamed and with that they left.
"Somehow, I feel like this conversation made me more stupid." I sighed, letting myself fall on my bed.

"For the last time Alex, my brother is not a fuckboy." I heard Riley groan when I entered the living room, both her and Alex were seating around the counter eating, Ashley nowhere in sight. "A self-serving narcissistic dick? Yes. A conceited fuckboy? Nope."
"But come on, just look at his photos-"
"No thank you. Anyway, I doubt a "fuckboy" would spend six months in prison for dealing drugs."
"Back the hell up! What?!" Alex fell off her chair, making a thump sound when she hit the ground. Ouch, that must've hurt.
"Dumbass." I heard Ashley laugh as she came out the bathroom.
"Yeah, Jacob and Riley use to deal drugs until he got caught." I helped Alex up. "We told you this before, why're you so surprised now?"
"Geez, you don't have to yell." I covered my ears, as they were now ringing like there's no tomorrow.
"Wait, he got caught and was only in slammer for six months?" Ashley raised an eyebrow, surprisingly much calmer than Alex.
"My parents are name partners for a successful law firm." Riley took a bite from an apple, somehow making her seem more of an asshole. I think I watch too much cinemasins.
"Does that mean you're loaded?"
"You should see her house back in our hometown." I mumbled, suddenly nostalgic.
"Where is that exactly?" Alex inquires curiously.
"What's your hometown?"
"Well..." Riley trails off as she struggles to answer.
"I don't think the author ever bothered to name it." I blurted out without thinking. They all paused to look at me, eyebrows raised.
"What?" They spoke in unison. Bad sign.
"Nothing. Geez, you guys take everything so seriously." I rolled my eyes, internally screaming at my reckless idiocy. Goddammit, you need to be more careful, Keira, people already think you're nuts as it is. Oh great, now I'm talking to myself, making me sound even crazier. Well fucking down, Keira. Crap, I did it again! Oh god, stop it already. Shit! "Just shut up already!" I blurted out again.
"What?" They all turned their gazes at me, eyebrows arched. Somehow this scenario seemed familiar. Maybe because it literally happened two seconds ago? Goddammit, I'm still talking to myself.
"Nothing, I just need my morning coffee." I yawned.
"Keira, it's noon." They all looked at me flatly.
"You should take a picture, it lasts longer." I replied bitterly getting tired of all this staring. But my bitterness didn't last long as sudden realization hit me like a bucket full of ice cold water. "Oh shit..." I sighed. "Did you just say it's noon?"
"Yeah, why?" Riley raised an eyebrow, taking another a bite. Geez, can you be more of an asshole, Jameson?
"Because I think I might have a psychology test right about now." I slapped myself on the forehead.
"Wait, seriously?" Ashley let out a laugh. "How absent-minded can you get?" I glared at her.
"Shut up."
"Sheesh, someone woke from the-" Alex was interrupted when I lifted a warning finger.
"Say another word and I'll personal make sure the rest of your life is living hell for you." Was my final reply before leaving, in such a hurry that I forgot to change my clothes. Well nothing to do about it now.

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