Chapter Eleven: A set of keys

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So we still haven't covered how I, the amazing and brilliant Keira, ended up back in the psych ward. It's kinda unbelievable so I need to tell you the whole story which honestly will take a while.

"Hey asshole," I shoved him.
"Ouch, what the hell was that for?!" He rubbed his arm, looking at me with a confused expression.
"You have a brother." He stared at me for a few seconds before dropping his expression, for once looking serious and not at all... wimpy. Maybe Riley was right about him having two personalities.
"Which one?" So there's more than one hot brother?
"Great." He rolled his eyes, getting up from his seat just as Mr. Lou began his lecture.
"Chris, where do you think you're going?" Mr. Lou asked, honestly surprised that the goody-two-shoes would just get up in the middle of the class.
"Out this class." He answered bluntly, surprising me and now the rest of the class. Mr. Lou instead of stopping Chris gave me a knowing look. I shrugged, having no clue what just happened. Riley was definitely right.

"You look different." I said, when I saw Ashley sitting with Riley on the couch.
"Huh?" Ashley raised an eyebrow, oh now I get it.
"Where's you're other half?"
"My other half?"
"You know, Alex."
"Oh for f**k's sake, she isn't my other half!" Riley and I shared a look. "She isn't!" Ashley aggravated.
"Okay." I shrugged, sitting down quietly. Riley and Ashley stared at me for a few seconds before one of them finally asked.
"Keira, are you okay?"
"Hmm, yeah." I answered absently. What happened with Chris today? And what did Jordan mean by that? And why are there no tacos on a Tuesday? Yeah, yeah, the last one is irrelevant compared to that other two but still; the humanity! I heard my phone beep as I got a text, I procrastinated for about five minutes before actually taking my phone out of my pocket when the persistent beeping refused to shut the frick off. It was from Mason.

Hey I'm waiting outside your apartment building, can we talk?

Keira, come on, answer your damn phone for once, I'm freezing myself here.




I just lost all feeling in my hands.

I stared blankly at the screen for a few seconds. "Pathetic." I muttered as I grabbed my coat and headed out. Sure enough, I found the notorious school playboy shivering, teeth gritting, in front of my apartment.
"How do you know where I live?" I asked bluntly.
"That's not important." He rubbed his hands together. "Do you know a guy called Lincoln?"
"I know lots of Lincolns, which one are you talking about?"
"James." He explained.
"Lincoln James?" I thought about it, racking my mind intently before shaking my head. "Sorry but no."
"Well, anyway, he's this dipsh*t dealer who gets students from our school addicted to these new drugs, basically using them as experiments to test out the drug."
"Great. How does this have any relevance towards me?"
"Well, because this "dipsh*t dealer" is my best friend." He answered awkwardly. I leaned on the side.
"Huh? Seems we have more in common than I thought."

"So I have a question." I announced as I rested my feet on the dashboard.
"What?" Mason asked, frowning as he stared at my feet.
"Why are you friends with a malicious drug dealer?"
"He's not malicious." He argued, although half-heartedly. Doesn't really inspire much confidence, Mason.
"Yeah, I mean he just supplies highly experimental and ridiculously dangerous drugs to stressed out college students knowing they'll cave. Not malicious at all." I gave him the don't-try-and-deny-it look.
"Just get your feet off my dashboard." He swatted my feet off with one hand as the other clutched the steering wheel tightly. Maybe I should distract him.
"So... my older sister is coming to town."
"You have a sister?"
"Two, actually. Younger and older. Anyway, so a little fill in; my sister is a narcissistic b**ch to say the least and while I don't hate her in the slightest, That doesn't change he fact that she's b*tch and I'm really dreading this visit." I let out a deep breath.
"Guessing you're not very fond of your family?"
"Quite the opposite, actually. I love them very much, it's just my sister is hard to deal with."
"If she's your older sister and you're the one who's talking about her, I'm guessing she wasn't very nice to you growing up."
"In that, you'd be right." I sighed.
"So hey listen, thanks for telling me this."
"Ugh, don't flatter yourself, Mason, I just wanted you to stop thinking about your drug dealer friend and all the indirect killings he probably committed or will commit."
"And now I'm thinking about it again." His hands turned white as his grip on the steering wheel tightened.
"Well, life consists of tiny failures leading up to even tinier victories, so just deal with it." I shrugged.
"Shouldn't you be the one dealing with it? It's YOUR failure."
"But it's not my best friend." I reminded. "Although she too was once a drug dealer, but she never got anyone addicted to something that might kill them."
"Alex?" He gave me a side-glance. "Gotta admit, I'm not surprised, I knew there was something fishy about her."
"What?! No way that that weirdo is my best friend."
"This coming from you?"
"Shut up. And I was talking about Riley, just for the record."
"The hot redhead?"
"Seriously? I thought she was your ex?" I froze up and gave him a what in the freaking hell look.
"Why in the name of all that's holy, would you ever think that?"
"Because other than that blond kid, she was the only one you ever talked to. And since there's no way you'd date blondie, I figured she was your girlfriend or something."
"More like a wet dream actually." I gagged at the thought.
"You disgusting pig!" I shoved him.
"Hey I'm a guy and when I see two hot girls together, my mind tends to drift."
"Well tell your mind to sit it's ass back down because Riley is my friend and nothing more. Besides I'm not gay."
"Good." He smirked. "Because I'm not eith-"
"Save it." I shut him up with a wave of my mind. And by that, I mean I slapped him.

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