Chapter Twelve: Friendship, Sweetheart.

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"Hey Keira, wake up." I felt someone shove me, only to find Mason staring down at me, his dark locks falling down on his face.
"You need a haircut." I yawned as I got up.
"And you need to go home." He said, pushing his hair back.
"No thank you. Both Riley and Ashley are on their periods and Alex is visiting her parents so my chances of survival are extremely low. Besides this creep has been standing outside our apartment, looking all stalkery."
"What?!" Mason's eyes widened. "Who is he?!"
"I don't know, but he's definitely interested in someone in that apartment and my guess is that it's Ashley, that girl is way too damn oblivious when it comes to guys who actually like her. Well in this case, it's a guy who's obsessed with her."
"So what are you going to do about it?"
"Seriously? Isn't she your friend?"
"Yeah I guess but it's not my stalker." I got off the bed and headed to the bathroom.
"You're too carefree, Keira." Mason said as he followed me in the bathroom.
"How so?"
"Well, you're in the apartment of a guy you barely know." He smirked, making me roll my eyes.
"Who also happens to be a complete idiot, the easiest type to control." I retorted, turning the faucet on and cleaning my hands and face thoroughly. "Do you have mouthwash?" Mason continued to stare at me with a vacant expression before finally giving in, he took out the mouthwash and handed it to me.
"Here." He sighed. I quickly took in a mouthful, swishing it around persistently for about thirty seconds and spitting it out. I covered my mouth as an unexpected yawn escaped it.
"How long was I asleep?"
"Nine hours." He said.
"Oh, then I'm going back to sleep." I stretched my arms over my head and felt the muscles relax as I put them down before moving past him and heading back to the room.
"No, you're not." He grabbed my arm, causing me to jolt as yet another person broke one of my only rules. How hard was it to keep away from my personal space?
"Don't touch me." I pulled my arm away from him. He scowled, evidently unimpressed by my behavior.
"What's your problem?" He folded his arms my
"Just no touching." I sighed, my defensiveness fading.
"Fine, whatever. But you can't go back to sleep."
"Why not?"
"Because A, it's my apartment, and B, you have class."
"Whatever, I'll just skip it." I yawned.
"You go to NYU, do you really think you can afford to skip a class?"
"It's philosophy." I pointed out, what's up with everyone and their "let's ruin our last few years of freedom" motto.
"Doesn't matter. Go to class." He replied, matching my nonchalance with stubbornness.
"Fine." I gave in. "Too drowsy for a fight anyway. But I'll need to borrow some clothes."
"I've been in the same clothes since yesterday." His eyes traveled down to my wrinkled sweater and jeans.
"Wait here." He sighed, leaving the bathroom only to return with a gray hoody. "You can borrow this."
"Thanks." I took it from him before slamming the door shut on his face. I pulled my sweater off, and quickly enveloped myself in the warmths of Mason's hoody. I noticed two things, first it smelled really nice, and second it smelled so nice that I had no idea what it smelled like. Yeah, yeah, those two things are more or less one in the same, but seriously, why does this hoody smell so nice? And does Mason smell this nice or did he just spray some perfume on it before giving it to me? No, he didn't have enough time for that.
"Come on, I need to pee." I heard him shout, he's obviously not a morning person . Then again, I've never met someone who is? Morning people are like the fabled Bigfoot. Everyone more or less believe they exist, they just never met them.
"Geez, is a little patience too much to ask?" I swung the door to open, finding a very pissed Mason at the other end.
"Since this is my apartment, yes it is."

"Miss Wilson!" I heard the distant cry of a sad, sexually frustrated, old man and cleverly decided to ignore it. "Miss Wilson!" I felt my desk shake.
"Go have sex already." I mumbled, getting very annoyed at the old man.
"KEIRA WILSON!" The distant cry turned into an angry and bellowing howl, jolting me awake from the fantasies of my mind to the burdens of reality.
"What?" My vision adjusted to the round face of Mr. Lau. He does not look very happy.
"You fell asleep. Again." He hissed through gritted teeth. Definitely not happy.
"That's great. But why did you wake me?" I yawned, earning myself a few chuckles. I don't get why people always found my situation funny or something to laugh at, I guess they must've thought that I was doing this on purpose.
"Because, as I've told the last HUNDRED times if you're going to fall asleep in my class than you shouldn't attend at all."
"That's inaccurate." I retorted.
"What?" He sighed, giving up as he already knows where this is headed.
"This is only my first semester in your class, which means I've only attended AT MOST 56 classes, therefore making you're argument inaccurate, because there's no way you've woken me up enough to deliver that speech "for the hundredth time"." He stared at me for a few seconds before dropping his head and walking back to his desk.
"I swear, the trouble I go through for this generation." I heard him mumble glumly. I stretched my arms and looked around, blondie nowhere in sight. Now wonder something felt odd, Chris's not here to lecture me. Where is he anyway? He's never missed a class. Well I don't really know as I miss way too many to tell, but he's a goody-two-shoes so I doubt he's missed any. I sighed. "This is giving me a headache. Hey Mr. Lau, can I leave?" I called before getting up and leaving.
"Wait Keira-" I didn't hear the rest as I quickly sprinted out of the classroom.

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