Chapter Fourteen

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I woke up at around seven a.m. Whoever put me to bed was considerate enough to change mg clothes for me as I was now wearing my Winnie the Pooh pyjamas. I got out of bed feeling a bit loopy but it wasn't that bad; I at least made it to my door. I contemplated whether to go to Riley or Rami, I decided on the latter as I was less likely to walk in on him in an awkward position with an unexpected visitor.
"Hey Rami, you awake?" I knocked on the door before coming in. Rami was sitting on his bed and browsing on his computer. He was wearing sweatpants and a white shirt, his hair was a complete mess yet I still had no doubt he looked ten times better than I do in a good day.
"Never slept. What's up?"
"It's about yesterday," I closed the door behind me.
"Yeah, you seemed pretty exhausted. You okay?"
"I mean I did pass out so I guess not."
"Here." He patted the space next to him. I smiled before laying down, placing my head on his lap. "So what happened yesterday?"
"A lot. I don't even know where to start." I sighed.
"Does this have anything to do with nyour sister?"
"Ugh. Believe me she's the least of my worries."
"What's that suppose to mean?"
"I met Chris yesterday." Rami's eyes widened but he was smart enough not to open his mouth. "He looked so out of it. Like a full blown hobo. I'm not even kidding. He wouldn't even tell me anything, I just sat with him for a minute and he got up and walked away. I think the only reason he even called to meet up was just to get me to stop worrying over whether he's dead or alive. And I'm not even sure whether that makes me feel relieved or scared." I looked up and met Rami's beautiful deep eyes. Even though he was barely 21, he looked so much older and experienced than I did.
"Still, Keira, at least now you know he's alive, that is something." I take that back, he's a complete idiot.
"That's barely anything. He could be out there doing drugs on the streets for all I know. The guy could literally be prostituting himself as we speak."
"Trust me, Jordan would never let that happen."
"Who's Jordan again?" I yawned.
"The guy you gawked at and called beautiful the other day." An image of blonde and blue appeared in my mind.
"Ah. Chris's older brother. How do you know him anyway?"
"I don't really." He looked away, not meeting my eyes.
"Rami," I sat up, "what are you not telling me?" A brief silence fell over us before he let out a breath.
"We dated. Back before I met Ethan."
"And what? You had an awkward breakup or something?"
"No, we were... never exclusive." The last part came out as a mumble.
"Oh, I get it." I smirked. "He's your old hookup. Why didn't you just say that?"
"Because then I risk sounding like a man whore."
"With a face like yours, no one would care."
"Are you saying you wouldn't care?" He actually looked at me this time, his eyebrows raised in amusement.
"Well, it's not like we're having sex any time soon and even if we do as long as your tests comeback negative we're good to go."
"Tests...? Keira, you're too blunt." He hit me over the head with a pillow.
"So, if Jordan's just an old hookup, how come you and him still talk?"
"We're friends." I gave him a look. "I'm not lying. Jordan's a great guy and he's helped me a couple of times."
"Helped how?" I wiggled my eyebrows.
"Keira, can you try to act like an adult for a minute?" Rami asked, exasperated. I chuckled before laying back down.
"Sure. How'd he help you?" I asked without a hint of a sexual undertone this time.
"Actually, its more like his family helped me."
"They're very smart, very talented and, as you already know, very good-looking people. They also have a lot of influence basically everywhere."
"Wow. They sound like the whole package. Tell me, how is it that such an amazing family isn't famous yet? Are they drug lords or something?"
"No... but not everything they do is exactly 'legal'."
"They're not criminals, they're just weird and too impatient to follow protocol."
"Can't say I blame them." I closed my eyes. "Anyway, enough about Chris's family, I still have a lot of crap to vent out."   M
"I'm all ears."
"So I saw Felicity yesterday. She's alive unlike what I suspected. She tried to get me to get Nathan and Riley back together."
"Are you going to do it?"
"I already did." I sighed. "He was standing outside our building like a stray cat and I let him in. He's probably still with Riley.... Ooh, I also helped a complete stranger."
"You did?"
"Yeah. A strange dude named Fred came banging like a frantic monkey on the store's door, screaming bloody murder. It turned out that some guys were after him because he saw them stashing their drugs somewhere. He drove me to where he saw the drugs, they weren't there anymore and I took a picture of the dumpsite before running for it." When I was done telling my little tale, Rami was staring at me all wide-eyed. "What?"
"Keira, you can't just help any stranger you see."
"I helped you, didn't I?"
"Just don't do it again." He poked my forehead. "Is that all? Or is there more to your hectic day?"
"I woke up on Mason's bed."
"Going on the safe assumption you didn't sleep together, why were you even in his apartment?"
"It's a long story." I sighed.
"Longer than last night?"
"No... still long enough to give me a headache though."
"Hey, when's your shift start?"
"At one, I think."
"Great. Since you have the next few hours free, wanna go out on a date with me?" This time he wiggled his eyebrows. I looked at him for a few seconds, even from this unflattering angle he looked annoyingly good.
"Eh, why not?" I sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2018 ⏰

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