Chapter Eight

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to my one and only best friend in this wretched abomination of a world, Zee-Mysterious Love ya Zee oh and update your goddam story already.

So putting the out of place author's note aside, (like seriously Modori you barely gave a shit in the last book but now you decide to get involved? Nice to know how much my emotional stability means to you.), it was kinda weird watching Riley's and Jacob's silent staring with the muffled struggles of Alex and Ashley in the background for about five minutes. Finally enough was enough, and I decided to break the silence. "So guess what? In my first week here I got arrested for disturbance of a public place and ended up in the slammer for a whole night which is how I met Felicity, I haven't told Riley this because I knew she'd freak out and kill and as I'm saying this I slowly realise that that's still a possibility..." I trailed off when Riley gave me her death stare. I'm so dead... "ANYWAY, my impending death aside, how're you Jacob?" I slapped him on the back.
"I'm fine." He chuckled, turning his dazzling green eyes towards me. Since I couldn't exactly call Riley's eyes dazzling since that would hint at a latent attraction to her which is not possible considering she's my best friend, oh and that whole thing about her being a girl or whatever, I always like to describe Jacob's eyes as dazzling whenever I get the chance. And incase you didn't get the picture; he's hot. "What about you two?"
"Well, I'm absolutely fine, other then the fact that Riley will most definitely kill me the second we're alone." I coughed.
"In other words you don't want me leaving you alone?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Still as perceptive as ever Jameson."
"Thank you." He smiled. "What about you?" He looked back at Riley, who was running a hand through her upper arm; not a good sign. "How're you doing?"
"I'm great, thanks for asking." Riley finally answered. "I would say come in but I see you've already done that."
"Yeah. I've also been acquainted with your tied up friends." He pointed towards Alex and Ashley, who were now watching How to get away with murder. I swear those two are like cockroaches, they can adapt to anything. It kinda pisses me off.
"They're not my friends exactly." Riley walked passed Jacob and right to the fridge; still a paranoid food lover. Then again, aren't we all? "One is my roommate while the other is an oddly likeable ball of energy."
"Aww." Alex and Ashley cooed.
"Like I said, they're not my friends." Riley repeated, more coldly. Yep, still not the touchy-feely type, it's wonder how I managed to break through her walls.
"Aww, someone's embarrassed." Ashley teased, causing Riley to give her a glare so deadly that even Jacob flinched.
"I suggest you shut up before she really loses it." I whispered as I untied Alex and Ashley, they hastily scurried to Alex's room once unbound. "So, Jacob, why the sudden visit?"
"Just wanted to visit my little sister." He shrugged.
"I'm not your "little" sister anymore, I'm nineteen years old."
"You'll always be my little sister." Jacob teased, pinching her cheek only for him to slap her hand away.
"And you'll always be my dipshit brother who got thrown in jail." She retorted.
"Well, now I can see why Riley wanted me here." I mumbled incoherently. "So, Jacob, how you doing?"
"I'm doing fine. I actually got a girlfriend." He scratched the back of his head, looking at me awkwardly. I raised an eyebrow.
"Seriously? Is she cute?" I paused for a moment. "No, screw cute. Is she nice?"
"Yeah." He smiled.
"Shame." I sighed, disappointed.
"You never change, Keira."
"Sure I do. I use to be all depressed and mopey, look at me now." I coughed, I really hate my big mouth but I can't help that I'm a compulsive talker. "And look at Riley, she use to be a pothead who coerced me into smoking and getting high with her on our first day of high school, and then got me drugged up with mystery pills. Ah, good memories..." I trailed off when I noticed that Riley was staring at me blankly... this wasn't good.
"Leave. Leave now." She warned, her voice dripping with barely contained rage. So much for wanting me around. I ran to Alex's room.
"We have to go." I yanked them up and dragged them outside, passing the Jameson's.

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