Chapter Thirteen

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"What is she doing here?" Riley glared at Dem, her green eyes burning brightly as my poor sister tried her hardest not to crack under their deadly gaze. Meanwhile, Rami and Ashley were peacefully watching Supernatural, arguing over which bromance is better.
"She has a name." Dem retorted, obviously trying to regain some confidence after her momentary fright. Riley ignored her and turned to face me. We shared a quick look as I silently pleaded with her.
"I'm sorry." She gave in. "It's nice to see you, Demetria." Her expression made it pretty clear that that statement was nothing less of a blatant lie. "I'll be in my room." With that, she strode away and slammed her door shut.
"Well, that wasn't awkward." I laughed, trying to break the ice.
"She still hates me." Dem sighed.
"No, she doesn't-" She gave me an "Oh really?" look. "Yeah..."
"Can't say I'm surprised, you've always had weird friends- Wait," she grabbed my arm, causing me to take a step away from her.
"Who's that?" She pointed to Rami, her eyes almost jumping out of their sockets.
"Oh that's Rami, he's our new roommate."
"He's hot." She noted affectionately.
"And gay." I coughed.
"Yeah, he's staying with us because his boyfriend dumped him."
"You've got to be kidding me," she sighed. "Why can't you just have someone normal in your life?"
"Normal is boring." I shrugged, playing with the hem of my- no I guess it's still Mason's hoody.
"So, where am I staying?" Dem asked, gesturing to her bags.
"Oh, in Alex's room, she's our other roommate who's visiting her parents in Australia. Her room is the one across from Riley's, and don't worry she keeps it clean." I assured, before heading for the exit.
"Where are you going?" Dem grabbed my shoulder, she seriously needed to stop that.
"I have work." I pulled my shoulder away as politely as possible.
"This late?"
"The new shipments arrive at night and my boss requires me to be present when they do." I hope my answer didn't sound as irritated as I felt.
"Doesn't sound like a very nice boss."
"In that, you'd be wrong."

"Faith?" I looked at the tall girl sitting comfortably behind the counter. She was texting away in her phone. "What're you still doing? The shop's closed."
"Someone has to be here to give you the keys." She pointed out, putting her feet down and phone away.
"Yeah, I guess."
"Hey, what's wrong?" Faith asked, leaning forward, a concerned expression on her face. Maybe I should be glad that someone in this retched world cares enough about me to be concerned but at this point I just want this day to be over so I can go home and sleep.
"Nothing." I finally answer, a sharp edge to my voice. Faith stared at me discerningly, not a single fiber in her body actually believing me.
"Okay." She finally said, deciding to drop it. I don't think I could handle anymore drama today.
"Thanks for waiting." I took the keys from her hand. "I'll go register the new shipments." For some reason that vaguely made me sound like a drug dealer or at least someone working for one.
"You need any help?"
"It's just some numbers on a pad. I think I can handle that." I strode past her and right into the box filled room.

After only five minutes, I regretted not accepting Faith's offer of help. I guess Mr. Manager Guy wasn't kidding when he said that this place needed a lot of heavy lifting. Still, I tried to do my work as quickly as possible so I could get out of here and find my way back to my bed-
"Hey, anyone in there?!" I almost dropped my pen as I heard the frantic knocking coming from outside the shop. Taking a deep breath, I forced myself out to were the sound was coming from.

A guy, about Riley's height but no where as pretty with dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes, stood outside, knocking on the glass door with so much force that I'm surprised he didn't break it down. It was pretty dark inside so he couldn't see me watching him, which sounds a lot creepier than it is. "Is anyone in there-" At that moment I decided it was my turn to knock back.
"What do you want?" I called out, my voice probably more muffled than his.
"Can you please open the door? I need your help." He pleaded.
"I don't know you." I pointed out.
"Please," he placed a desperate hand over the glass, his eyes almost teary with fright.
"Ugh, I swear this day will never end." I cursed as I unlocked the door.
"Thank you." The man gave me a grateful smile before slamming the door shut himself. I would've been scared being in a store all by myself with a guy, but come on its me. I can take care of myself just fine, and by this point I'm too worn-out to care. "So... aren't you going to ask why I was screaming like an insane maniac outside your store?"
"It's not my store, I work here." I informed. "But, I'll humor you. What's the deal?"
"Some guys are after me."
"Of course they are." I sighed. "Who are they?"
"Um... I don't think I should be telling this to a high schooler."
"First of all, I'm in a college and if you really thought that than why tell me in the first place?" He looked at me for a few moments, contemplating something.
"Can you keep a secret?"

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