Chapter 1

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Haru was walking home with Makoto on a cold November night. Makoto Leaned over close to Haru.

" Hey! what're you doing?" Haru mutters.

"I'm cold! you're always so warm Haru-chan!" Makoto says inching closer.

"Hey!" Haru says when suddenly a hand reaches out and grabs Haru's shoulder.

"Huh? R-Rin!" Haru realizes.

"That's close enough Makoto... " Rin says slightly out of breath.

Makoto backs off Haru casually.

Makoto chuckles, "You're no fun Rin!"

Rin just rolls his eyes. Haru looked away. They continued to walk until at last they reached Haru's house.

"Don't you have a place of your own Makoto?" Rin says with a bit of irritation in his voice.

"Calm down Rin, I won't do anything while you're here." Makoto says with a sly smile.

They entered his house and Haru went to the kitchen to get refreshments, leaving the angsty Rin and Makoto alone.

Rin just stared at Makoto as he lounged in the room. When Makoto noticed his glare he just smiled.

"Hey Rin. Why do you act so weird and protective when you're around Haru?" Makoto said with a sudden straight face, which was unusual for the team mom.

"I..I don't act different!" Rin mutters while messing with his hair.

" Come on! You can tell me!" Makoto says scooting closer to Rin.

Rin just sits in silence trying to avoid eye contact with Makoto.

" Could it be... that you have a little crush on Haru?" He says with a maniacal look.

Rin jolts up to his feet. "N-No! It's not like that!" He shouts.

Makoto laughs it off then stands as well.

"Well if you won't take action, maybe I will." Makoto says as he walks to the kitchen where Haru was currently burning mackerel.

Rin grits his teeth and tries to resist his urge to sprint into the kitchen.

"If I run in there. He'll know that I like him."

Then there was a loud crash that came from the kitchen.

Without hesitation Rin ran to the source of the sound and found Haru on the floor with Makoto looming on top of him.

"Hey!" Rin yells, as he pulls up Makoto.

" Hehe, wow the floors a little slippery." Makoto says smirking at Rin.

Rin shakes off Makoto and reaches down to help up Haru.

"You okay?"

Haru nods and takes his hand.

Once Haru was up Rin pulls Makoto into the other room.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" Rin says gripping Makoto's shirt collar.

"I told you already, if you're not going to put effort into it then I would." Makoto says with a genuine smile.

Rin releases his grip.

"Don't mess with my head Makoto... I'll tell him when I'm ready." Rin says looking down.

"Hmm? Tell me what?" Haru says leaning on the door frame.

" Oh Haru! How long have you been standing there?" Makoto says in a sudden cheery voice.

"All I heard was Rin wanting to tell me something." Haru says while pushing more mackerel into his mouth.

" It's nothing!" Rin says stepping back.

"Actually Haru, Rin and I need to talk! So we'll be off!" Makoto says grabbing Rin's wrist leaving Haru's House.

Once they were a couple streets away, Makoto stopped and let go of Rin's arm.

"Why'd we leave!" Rin says gripping his jacket.

Then Makoto turns and looks into Rin's eyes.

"Listen closely because I'm not going to repeat myself. I refuse to let Haru go to someone as impudent as you are! What makes you think you're the one thats going to take Haru away from me!?" Makoto says inching closer to Rin with a menacing look.

"Hey! Haru was never yours to begin with! You act all sweet and cuddly in front of your team but once they turn around you're this. Haru wouldn't want you!" In says getting in Makoto's face a bit.

Then Makoto slams his hand onto the fence behind Rin.

"If that's how you feel then lets put it to the test. I'll allow you to make attempts to see who can win him over first." Makoto says glaring into Rin's eyes.

"A competition huh? deal!" Rin says accepting the challenge.

Makoto backs off and begins heading home.

"Let the best man win." He says as he winks at Rin.

To be Continued....

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