Chapter 9 (Finale)

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Rin was trying to catch his breath, in all he was relieved he found Haru.

"No.. no none of it was a game to me." Rin says through sharp inhales.

Haru keeps looking into the pool.

"Haru listen to me.. That day we went on that walk. Every time we raced. Even when we were kids. Everything I do always revolved around being with you!" He proclaims.

Haru's head perks up a bit.

"The stupid rivalry between Makoto and I got out of hand. We are both at fault for that.. It was a stupid bet." Rin keeps spouting.

"I'm sorry Haru.." Rin says lowering his head.

Haru stands up and walks to Rin. he stops when he's next to him.

"Leave me alone for a while Rin.." He says then continues walking.

After hearing those words, Rin felt his heart ache. The last thing he wanted to do was to hurt Haru.

Rin turns around to see Nagisa and Rei waiting around the corner..

He silently walks passed them.. They don't say anything.

He locks eyes with Rei then looks away.

"Wait! Matsuoka! Are you limping?" he says with a concerned tone.

"Rin-chan's hurt??" Nagisa yells.

"Im fine... " Rin mutters then continues walking away.

Two days pass by. Haru hasn't come to school and Rin went home. He didn't stay in the dorm.

Haru sat awake in his bed those two nights. He wasn't greeted with sleep. He just kept thinking about Rin and what he said. This whole time he felt as if his emotions were being toyed with. He was just a piece to a malicious game. But the words rin said still echoed in his head.

"Everything I do always revolved around being with you! "

He turns over closes his eyes trying to sleep.

"How can I trust him?" he mutters to himself.

The next day Rin walks into the locker room. Sousuke turns to greet him. He notices the brace on Rin's ankle.

"You - " He gets a bit angry

"Stop... I don't want to hear it right now." Rin stops him mid sentence and walks past him.

He sits on the bench and leans back on the wall.

"Everything blew up in my face.." Rin exhales.

Sousuke wanted to console him but he knew that nothing would come of it. He drew back and walked towards the door to the pool.

"Like I said before Rin, Self pity isn't going to help you. Come out when you're done." He says, hoping tough love will help motivate the deflated Rin.

Rin's head hung low for the rest of practice. He couldn't swim, he sat poolside with the coach.

That day Haru returned to school. Makoto wasn't there to walk with him. He walked to school alone and in silence. Still with the same things in his head. He was mad that they were using him, but in a way he felt a bit giddy that Rin was fighting for him. He felt bashful with that mindset.

The whole day Haru couldn't pay attention to anything. The desperation in Rin's voice gripped at Haru's heart.

At the second bell Haru left school. He knew what he needed to do.

Rin was walked back to his house. He felt a bit more comfort being with his sister and mother. He helped his mother clear the table that night after dinner and realized they were out of dish cleaner.

"Mom! I'm running out real quick okay?" He calls up the stairs.

"Okay honey, be safe." She calls back.

He exits his house and walks down the steps.

He turns the corner, then someone calls out his name and something tugging on him.


He turns to see Haru standing by his mailbox.


Haru was gripping the bottom of Rins coat.

"I... I thought a lot about everything..." Haru says letting go of Rin's coat.

Rin didn't say anything. He was bracing for anything coming his way.

"Rin... I.. I've been falling in love with you." Haru says finally meeting eyes with Rin.

Hearing Haru confess caught Rin off guard.

"What?" He says out of reflex, he thought he misheard.

"Rin! I love you... More than just a friend.. " Haru says with more confidence.

Rin's hands begin to shake. His heart felt overwhelmed.

"You .. do?" Rin stutters in shock.

'How many times do I have to say it? I've always been hesitant, but I know for sure now.. That's what I wanted to say.. " Haru says as he starts to lose that confidence he had..

Haru's cheeks burned as he said this.

A moment passed of silence.

"If you don't feel the same then-" Haru began to say but was cut off by Rin embracing him.

"Do you know how long I've waited to hear this?" Rin says tearfully.

Haru was relieved to hear this.

"Haru, I love you too." Rin says with a giddy laugh and tears streaming down his cheeks.

They hold each other for a while then Haru looks up to Rin.

"What was that stupid bet any way?" He says with a suspicious look.

Rin looks away, "Well uhh.. It was whoever was able to kiss you first, would win the right to be by your side.." He said bashfully.

Haru lets out a light chuckle.

"I know it's dumb." Rin follows up.

"Hey Rin." Haru calls out to him.

"Hmm?" he says turning to Haru.

Haru then placed his hands on Rin's shoulders and got on his tiptoes to land a gentle kiss.

"I guess this would be the winning kiss, correct?" Haru says pulling away.

The End.

(And they swimmed happily ever after.)

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