Chapter 4

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The Iwatobi boys finally arrive at Samezuka and Kou sprints into the building to scope out the muscles.

" Biceps! Biceps, abs! They're so beautiful!" Kou says will fawning over the boys.

The boys being used to her actions ignored her and continued to walk in and greeted everyone. Haru's eyes met Rin's when suddenly Rin looked away. After quick contemplation Haru walked over to Rin, when Sousuke steps in front of him.

" Hey Nanase, the pool is that way." Sousuke says scowling down at Haru.

Haru returns the glare then turns back to the Iwatobi boys. Haru quickly dives into an empty lane.

" Don't tell me theirs already drama between those two." Nagisa pouts.

Makoto rest his arm on Nagisa's shoulder.

" It's nothing to worry about." Makoto reassures Nagisa.

Haru kept swimming, 100m , 200m... Rin kneels down to the side of the lane.

" Oi! Haru, don't over do it!" as Rin says this Haru emerges from the water.

Rin jolts up. "H-haru."

" Lets race.." Haru says as he pulls himself out of the pool.

Rin chuckles " Promise not to get mad when you lose?"

Haru assumes the diving position, " shut up and swim."

As the two dived in makoto's anger writhed. Sousuke ignored the two by instructing the first years. The winner prevailed! Haru won by a .5 second lead. Rin leaned over the side of the lane divider.

"Every time we race its as if we get faster and faster" Rin laughs.

Haru leans in closer to Rin.

"Hey, Is everything ok?" Haru asks abruptly.

Rin blushes slightly and steps back " I'm f-fine. Why?"

"It's just you've been acting weird since the other night. You and Makoto both." Haru explains.

Rin takes a moment then finally thinks of something to say.

" Don't worry about it. I just had to talk to Makoto about a... issue, i guess." Rin says trying to play off the anxiety.

Haru somewhat frowns at the response but before he could respond " Haru!" Makoto says as he extends a hand down to Haru to help him out of the pool. Rin and Makoto exchanged looks of disgust.

Makoto and Haru walk away leaving Rin sitting on the side of the pool. Sousuke walks over to Rin and sits next to him.

" Oi, don't go cry just because you lost to Nanase." Sousuke says kind of jokingly.

The comment was followed by a deafening silence from Rin who was usually quick to comeback with a quip. Sousuke punches Rin's arm.

Haru looks back at them sitting by the pool, he feels a pit in his stomach. He wondered if the mackerel he ate was bad. But he did know, he didn't like what he was seeing.

" Alright boys, ready to head back?" Miho announced over the loud splashes and incoherent yelling.

Rei carries Nagisa out on his back and the rest follow behind, whilst Miho had to literally drag Kou out. They were all set in the car when suddenly Makoto steps out.

" Hey, I left something, I'll be right back." He says as he walks back into the building.

Makoto walks around to the changing room and finds Rin and ushers him to the hallway. Rin follows trying not to catch Sousuke's attention.

"What do you want?" Rin mutters.

" You're fighting a losing battle, just give it up." Makoto says as he leans against the wall.

" What the hell? Did you come back really just to say this crap?" Rin says getting even more agitated.

" Just don't get your hopes up on winning this bet." Makoto says through a sly grin.

Before Rin could respond a voice shattered the tension.

"So this is where you were." Sousuke casually approaches.

" Heh, See ya later Rin." Makoto says in his 'usual' cheery voice, then leaves.

" You good?" Sousuke says looking down at the frustrated Rin.

A few moments of silence passed until finally Rin replies.

"I'm tired of never getting my message across." Rin looking down at his feet. " I can't stand feeling like this." He mutters as a tear drops down his face.

then a group of students start exiting the changing room. Sousuke pulls Rin in and moves to the side, hiding Rin's face.

" Can't have the first years seeing their Captain cry." Sousuke says in an attempt to cheer him up.

" Sousuke.. I feel like I can't reach him.." Rin whispers.

" Why reach for him when I'm right here beside you." Sousuke replies.

Rin looks up at Sousuke with wide eyes.

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