Chapter 3

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Haru went back to his room and sat on his bed.

"Why are they acting so weird?" He said as he rolls over on his side.

The next day Makoto, Rei, Nagisa and Haru all walk to school together. Haru followed behind Makoto silently. Could the Makoto he saw last night be the Makoto he's known for so long? Haru lets out a sigh and gazes at the ocean.

"So Haru-chan are you excited for the shared practice we're having with Samezuka? I can't wait!" Nagisa says in his cute cheery voice.

Haru acknowledges Nagisa with a simple nod. Makoto looks back at Haru and smiles.

Haru thinks to himself " Maybe Rin will tell me whats going on.."

They continued on walking as Nagisa carried on the conversation. Finally they made it class. Haru immediately takes his seat and assumes his usual aloof position. Makoto leans against Haru's desk and smiles down at him.

"So are you planning on just ignoring me now?" He says with a slightly devious look.

Haru looks out the window and sighs.

" I'll talk to you if you tell me whats going on between you and Rin." Haru said grumpily.

Makoto rolls his eyes and sits in his desk.

Throughout the class Haru notices Makoto's glances and tries to brush them off as best as possible. After the class let out for lunch Haru was quick to his feet to leave the room. He rounded the corner and then suddenly a force pushed him against the wall. He looked up to see Makoto only inches from his face. Haru tries to push him away with little success.

"Makoto stop!" Haru mutters.

" Come on Haru, when will you notice?" Makoto says gripping Haru's shoulders.

Haru looked into makoto's eyes and saw a look he'd never experienced before. He felt his heart stutter in its course. "whats he talking about?" Haru thought to himself. Haru stood there in silence. He couldn't manage to mutter any words.

"Haru.. Can't you see how I feel?" Makoto drops his head down releases his hold on Haru.

"How you feel?" Haru repeats looking up into Makoto's eyes. " You've been acting weird recently. Why's that?"

Makoto raises his head and lets out a slight giggle.

"Haru, I don't want to see you walk away with someone else." Makoto says while looking away to hide his awkward face.

Haru stood there for a moment comprehending what he just said. Then he steps forward.

"But Makoto, I walk home with you everyday. Why would I walk with someone else?" Haru says cocking his head ever so slightly to the side.

At the sound of Haru's innocent reply, Makoto brings his hands up to cover his face.

"That's not.... whatever Haru.." Makoto says as he walks away.


Rin propped himself against the wall waiting on Sousuke. He leans his head back and closes his eyes. Without noticing how tired he was he dozed off a bit and loses his balance.

"Already caught you falling for me." Sousuke jokes.

Rin sleepily rubs his eyes, "Oh, sorry about that. Didn't sleep much last night."

Sousuke smiles " You need to fix your sleep schedule Rin."

" No time for sleep, I've staying late at practices to help out the first years." Rin says as he brushes back his hair in a frustrated matter.

" Well if you cant take care of yourself..." Sousuke stops and stands in front of Rin. " I'll just have to take care of you."

Rin stands in Sousuke's bright gaze, without realizing himself staring. Rin steps closer and

Rin giggles slightly to break the silence, " S-Sousuke, you'd be the worst wife ever!"

"Who said I was the bottom." Sousuke chuckles and starts to walk again.

" I would obviously be the top! I mean, I'm so manly!" Rin says as he crosses his arms in a "masculine" way.

"How would you top? You'd just cry when things get tough." Sousuke sends back.

" You're hilarious.. " Rin glares.

They make it to the changing room to prep for the collaborative practice with Iwatobi.

"SENPAI I CAN'T FIND MY GOGGLES!" Ai screams frantically at Rin.

"Calm down, we'll find em." Rin says reassuring the panicked Ai.

Sousuke leans down to Rin's ear and whispers, "See you're already acting like a wife."

Rin jolts up and scowls , blushing slightly, at the smirking Sousuke.

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