Chapter 6

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           Haru sat by his window watching the snow glide down to the dusted grass. He kept thinking about what Sousuke said to him. He turns on his phone and checks the messages he's missed. Several emails from his mom, wondering how he's doing and if he's eating properly. A couple texts from Nagisa , continuing the ongoing debate about 'holding'. His finger loomed over Rin's number. He was hesitant to message him. If he were to call him, what would he say? He decides it would just be easier to message him.


To: Rin Matsuoka

From: Haru Nanase

Subject: No Subject

Hey, you okay? Something seemed off today.


       He didn't want to mention the debacle with Sousuke. He felt as if that information was gratuitous to the meaning behind his message. Reluctant to his anxiety, he sent the message. awaiting a reply he rolled over on his bed and held the phone close to his face. A few minutes passed and his phone lit up. Rin had replied.


To: Haru Nanase

From: Rin Matsuoka

Subject: RE: No Subject

Don't worry about it, I was just tired from school.. That's all. Thanks for caring though.


Haru ,getting a bit irritated, leans up in his bed and quickly prompts himself to reply.


To: Rin Matsuoka

From: Haru Nanase

Subject: Re: No Subject

If something's bothering you , then tell me!


              Haru slides his phone into his hoodie pocket and he walks down to his kitchen to fix him some dinner. Thirty minutes pass, no reply from Rin. He tosses his phone beside him. He angrily slams his dishes into the sink.

" Why won't he be honest with me?" He says as he takes his spot back at his window.

            The next morning Rin left the dorm early. He went for a run down the main street and onto seaside. He watched as the sun woke and rose over the horizon. He wanted to answer Haru last night , but he didn't know whether he wanted to confide in him or to keep it inside. Caught in a daze he stumbles over a rock protruding from the sand.

           After the regular morning routine, Haru and Makoto were on their way to school. They walked their route to school. Makoto went on about how he thinks Haru will be a famous swimmer one day, when they notice a familiar body running alongside the beach.

"Ah, it's Rin.." Makoto says in a sudden change of tone.

         Makoto continues to walk but Haru stops and looks at Rin. Rin catches Haru's gaze and stops running. His heart pounded , but maybe it wasn't because he had been running. As if on reflex, Rin pulls down his hat to cover his face, and he digs his heel into the sand and sprints off again.

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