Chapter 5

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 Makoto returned to the car and the pulled off without a single word. Haru stared at Makoto , expecting an answer to just formulate out of the back of his head. The whole car ride consisted of Nagisa going on about how 'holding' wasn't considered jail. Haru still was indifferent about Makoto's composure. Makoto just sat there with a sight smile on his face. For some reason he felt as if thing were working in his favor.

They made it back to the school and the boys all went their seperate ways. When they were finally alone , Haru spoke up.

" So, what're you so happy about?" Haru says with ping of curiosity.

" Its nothing. I just like how things are turning out , thats all." Makoto replies with his peppy attitude.

Haru, indifferent about his answer, accepted his reply and continued to walk. As they were walking Makoto's hand brushed against Haru's hand. Once, twice, three times, then Makoto gripped his hand.

" Huh? Makoto?" Haru says a bit startled.

" We used to always hold hands a kids." He says reassuring him.

Haru looked down at his hand that was intertwined with Makoto's. Something felt off. He quickly shook free from his grip and quickly exited onto an adjacent street.

" I need to uhh... go bu more mackeral." Haru mutters as he passes Makoto.

Makoto made no attempts to catch him.

"Are we getting flustered?" Makoto says , inviting the devious look to creep onto his face.


Back at Samezuka, Rin has locked himself in the locker room office where the coach keeps the records. Over and over Rin replays Sousuke's words in his head. He felt a warm tear drop from his cheek. He sat with his back against the door with his knees brought up to his chest.

" Why....Why can't those words come from him?" Rin mutters to himself.

upon hearing the locker room door opening he wipes the tears away and locks the door. A deep voice echoes through out the room.

"Rin, you in here?" Sousuke says as he taps on the door to the office.

Rin was hesitant to answer, his breath was short and his eye stung .

"Y-yeah.." He replied.

Sousuke turned and sat down with his back facing the door.

" So... you like him that much?" Sousuke mutters.

Rin was anxious to answer. He knew how Sousuke felt, and didn't want to hurt him anmore. he simply gave a "mmhmm" as a response.

"Heh, I should've known. Even when we were kids, you've been stuck on him. Maybe I've always been fighting a battle that was already lost." Sousuke chuckles.

"Im sorry." Rin manages to mutter.

" No, I'm sorry... Hey, no more tears. dry up and get to sleep. You have classes early tomorrow." Sousuke says as he gets up and leaves the locker room.

Rin scrambles to his feet and opens the door.

" Sousuke I-.." But he was already gone.

Sousuke was walking along the sidewalk passing by couples and families all enjoying their evening walk. He couldn't stop thining about the face Rin made. Or maybe he was just thinking about Rin's face in general. Love, even if its unrecuited, its still love. As he walked a gentle snowflake melted on his nose. He lifted up his scarf and surrounded his face in it. He walked in a haze, caught up in memories, when suddenly he noticed a familiar face.

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