Chapter 2

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After watching Makoto disappear into the distance Rin walked back to his dorm. As he enters he was greeted with Sousuke sitting on his bed checking his phone.

" Huh? Sousuke you're still awake? It's already one!" Rin says.

Sousuke looks up then runs to Rin and grabs his shoulders.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?!" sousuke says as he pushes Rin off balance.

" Sousuke, relax! I was at Haru's!" Rin says with a bit of irritation in his voice.

Rin pushes back but Sousuke pushes him up against the wall trapping him with his arms. Rin flinches and looks away.

" RIN LOOK AT ME!" Sousuke yells.

As if it was reflex Rin looked back to Sousuke.

"Why... Why did you go to Haru's?" Sousuke says in a sudden gentle voice.

Reflecting on the recent events that had happened that night, Rin just stood there speechless. Then suddenly he gets defensive.

" I just saw Haru walking with Makoto and it pissed me off! So i butted in!" Rin mutters.

Sousuke looks down and in anger, punches the wall inches from Rin.

" Rin.. Do you like Haru?" He says through gritted teeth.

Rin's eyes widen as he looks up at Sousuke's stern face.

" Th-thats none of your business!" Rin says as he tries to walk away from Sousuke, but he grabs his arm and pulls him back.


Rin jerks his hand away.

" STOP! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT'S LIKE.. " Rin starts to tear up. " To love someone knowing they will never love you back!"

Sousuke smirks and steps back.

"So.. i don't know what its like." Sousuke chuckles sarcastically.

Then he storms out of the room and slams the door behind him.

Rin plops down onto his bed and wipe the tears away.

"What's with him?" Rin says as he checks his phone.

It says:

43 new messages

"what?" Rin says jolting up.

Message 1:

Rin where are you? It's getting late! Don't stay out too long!

Sousuke [ 9:46pm]

Message 2:

Hey! Rin it's already midnight! Where are you!? Do I need to come get you?

Sousuke [12:03am]

" Was he really that worried about me?"

[Sousuke's POV]

I run out of the dorms and head down the street.

" I don't wanna hear it... I don't wanna hear him cry about him anymore! He says I don't understand.. But I know the feeling too well."

- End of Sousuke's pov -

Shortly after his altercation with Rin, Makoto decided to go back to Haru's house. Once he made it back to Haru's house. He knocks on the door, regaining his soft voice.

"Haru-chaaaan" He says in a melancholy tone.

The door slides open to reveal a sleepy eye'd Haru.

" Hmm? Makoto? It's so late what is it?" Haru said rubbing his eyes.

Makoto took a step in, and took off his coat.

"Just wanted to see you Haru." Makoto says winking at Haru.

Haru casually brushes off the comment and looks up at Makoto.

"Hey, why did Rin look so upset? Is he okay?" He says with a concerned look.

"Oh he's fine, I dealt with it. So Haru lets go play video games in your room." Makoto says ushering Haru to the stairs.

"Makoto! What happened? I wanna know!" Haru raises his voice a bit, resisting Makoto.

Makoto just smiles then grabs Haru's hand continuing to take him to the stairs.

"Hey! Makoto! Why aren't you answering me!" Haru says getting frustrated.

Makoto loses his temper a bit and pushes Haru against the wall.

" Listen, Rin was having some personal issues and I just had to bring him back to reality." Makoto says with an almost toxic smile. "Does that answer your question Haru-chan?" He says as he runs his fingers through Haru's hair. Machete leans in to try and kiss Haru but he turns his head away.

" Makoto... What are you doing?" He says drawing back.

Makoto chuckles and steps back.

"Heh, sorry Haru. Actually its pretty late, I'll just go home." Makoto says as he turns and walks away and leaves.

"Whats going on with them" Haru says comprehending the events of the night. " Why did Rin look so upset?"

To be continued...

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