Chapter 7

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                                     Haru walked back to his house drowning in thoughts of Rin and what Sousuke said. 

"He was crying?"

         He just couldn't stop thinking about the way the setting sun set a beatiful aura around them. He wonders, why Rin took him out there? Then asked him if he liked... Then it hit him. 

"Does he like someone!?" his heart began to race again by just thinking that Rin may like someone. 

         He picks up his pace and begins to run home. His cheeks started to burn and lungs hurt from the sharp cold air. As he turned a corner he slips and slides into someone. 

        " Ah, s-sorry." he looks up to realize it was Makoto. 

        Makoto looks down and cocks his head. 

"In a rush? Whats with that face? you look so panicked. " He says as he puts his hands on Haru's shoulders.  

               "Makoto.. I think I might like someone.. What should I do?" He says furrowing his brow with a pout. 

      A moment passes then Makoto finally answers. 

" who is this person?" he says in a dry tone. 

        Haru gripped the his jacket as he looks up to makoto. He knows that he would support him no matter what he decided. He wouldn't be upset if it turned out he liked another guy. He felt a little more at ease.

" Well I've known him for a long time.. " His face starts to turn red and he avoids Makoto's eyes. 

      A grin of triumph begins to surface on Makoto's face. His composure changes a bit. He runs his hands from Haru's shoulders down to his hands. 

      "How long have you felt this way?" Makoto says in a more softer tone. 

     Haru looks down at their hands and then up to makoto's face.

" I just now realized what that feeling was. It was l-love?" He says with an unsure look.

         Makoto lets out a soft chuckle and takes a step towards him and gets closer to Haru. 

          " Would it make you feel better if i told you that person has feelings for you too?" He says in a licentious voice.  He brings a hand up to Haru's cheek. 

        "W-wait! For real!?" Haru's eyes widen and his heart flutters at the thought of Rin actually liking him. 

 Makoto giggles at his reaction. 

" I wouldn't lie about this." He says leaning in close to kiss Haru but before he does haru says,

" You mean it!? Rin likes me too!?" He says with an innocent look. 

                 Makotos hand drops and he steps back from Haru. He roughly pushes back his hair and sighs and leans against a fence that lined the road. 

"you... were talking about him..." he says in a disappointed voice. 

                 Haru stands there for a moment confused then walks to Makoto.

" Who did you think I was talking about?" Haru asks. 

                Makoto turns his head and looks at Haru then grabs Haru's jacket and pulls him in close. 

" WHY CAN'T YOU JUST MAKE THINGS EASIER AND LOVE ME? I've never left you, I stayed with you even when you wanted to be alone because I knew you needed someone! instead you like him, he's selfish, he just thinks of himself! Why?" Makoto begins to yell in an outburst of anger. 

Haru takes a step back as Makoto straightens up and advances towards him.  He grabs his wrists and pulls him forward. 

"ANSWER ME!" Makoto says in an aggressive tone. 

       Haru takes in a sharp breath and exales before answering. 

"Sure... He might be self centered. He may cry a lot.. and he wasn't there for me for a while.. But he's the only person that makes me feel warm inside.. He makes me happy by just showing me his smile.. " He says as he looks into Makoto's eyes.. 

" I'm sorry Makoto I-" Before Haru could finish, Makoto releases his hold on Haru and storms off.. 

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