Chapter Seventeen ~ A little light

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So I'm now back in my cell, sorry to stay . I am however rather exhausted from the day. So much happened, I found out I am expecting triplets. Then Christopher and Luna stopped by. We didn't actually talk with them all that long, Jefferson shooed them off after a bit because he wanted me to get some rest. They will come back tomorrow. I am excited beyond words because Jefferson is allowing me to go outside for a bit. He'd stay practically glued to me of course, but I am going outside! Even stepping out of my cell is a thrill, but going outside... That would be like dreaming. I haven't been outdoors for perhaps a month now.

"So what happened?" Gerik sticks his face through the bars.

I smile, "Oh so much, you can't imagine!  Today has been...  I don't even know how to describe it! Well guess what? I'm having triplets! And my older kids came to see me! And tomorrow I get to go outside!"

He blinks rapidly, "Triplets? What? You're pregnant? Why didn't you tell me?"

I gulp,  Oh right, I didn't tell him I was pregnant.

"Umm... Yeah, I'm pregnant. Well yeah, it's three babies! Isn't that... Amazing?"

He frowned slightly, "yeah... You seem so different now compared to when you were Shadow Nation's leader. You are..."

I cut in, "Honey, I'm just an emotional pregnant woman craving food right now. I can't really be tough at the moment. Besides, I'm not the leader anymore, I'm sure they've found someone more suitable by now."

He sighs, "Wow... Anyhow, about that, they have appointed a leader."

I stopped chewing my crust of bread, "who?"


A spike of surprise shoots me up to my feet, "Martinel?! Are you serious?" I begin angrily pacing, "Are those bastards serious? Should've known they'd vote for some adrenaline addicted nutjob. Please tell me you're kidding."

He seems a bit on edge at my reaction, 
"okay, perhaps you are nearly the same as how you used to be. Anyway, yeah well Martinel, is he so bad? He seems nice."

I smirk,  "Nice... Sure, I knew him personally. Yeah he's pretty stupid. He doesn't think anything through. He'll lead Shadow Nation into a bear trap without second thoughts. He'll just go, go, go... Right into the hands of the Gyardicans."

I should've said that last sentence quieter because a Guard across the hall frowns at us.

"oops..." I whisper, "forgot about that about that... knucklehead."

Gerik sneers.

I turn my head in the Guard's direction, "Hey you, let's pretend you didn't hear anything. Okay?"

Just like the countless times before, he didn't respond.

"Must be so boring." I say loudly, so he can hear, "Standing duty, watching prisoners have fun while you just stand there doing nothing."

He answers suddenly, to my utter surprise, "Well if you'd like, I could call the prison master to come over here and deal with you. It would keep me entertained for sure."

Gerik and I cough on purpose, "Na, we're quite content. I'm sure he's got better things to do."

I saw a smirk on the Guard's face. 

Then another Guard came down the hallway with our dinner. He opened a small door and slid a little tray into my cell. "Thanks Jule." I say.

Jule winks at me, "I think there's something extra from the Captain in there. Have a good dinner."

I smile, "Thank you again."

Jule is always the one who brings me meals and I've gotten quite a liking to him. He's very nice. He also slides some supper into Gerik's cell.

I hungrily look over what is on the tray. The food kind of sucks here, but who am I to complain? I'm really really hungry these days."

There's a plate of mashed up something rather. Also, there's an extra little package. I frown. what could this be?

I tear it open and can't believe my eyes. It's my favorite type of spritze (candy) It is really bad for you, but still ridiculously delicious. A note on the side says, I think you need to gain some weight my dear, you're bone thin. I shake my head and smile to myself,  "Jefferson, you are evil."

Gerik glances over as I take a bite, "What?"

"Oh nothing." I say, "But by the way, if you have anything left over of your dinner, I'll take it please. I'm eating for three extra."

He rolls his eyes,  "very well."

The next day...

"Morning Erika." Jefferson's voice wakes me up.

I sit up and rub my eyes, "It feels early, what time is it?"

He smiles,  "It's an hour till midday. Chris and Luna are here."

I chuckle, "Oh... It's that late, well I can never tell."

He extends his hand to me, I accept it and he helps up. I yawn, stepping forward. I lose my balance for a moment because I just woke up. He steadies me, "You're not really awake are you?" He laughs a little and pulls something from his belt, "Here, drink this."

I take the flask and unscrew it, "Really? Spritzer?"

"it'll wake you up."

I take a sip and swallow the sparkling liquid, it burns the back of my throat. "Jefferson, why do you have alcohol on you?"

He shrugs,  "Oh come on, it's mild, not enough to affect you. I like it."

I shrug, "It tastes disgusting, but okay."

He gently takes my hand and we walk down the hallway together.

"How is your bad arm feeling?"

"It's not as painful anymore, I shall see when I can get the cast off. You'd best not take advantage of me outside and try and run off on me with my disfunctional arm."

I smirk, "Really, I could never outrun you now, even if you've got a bad arm."

"Good to know."

I rub my eyes and follow him to a heavily guarded underground back door.
Behind the door is a tunnel that reminds me very much of the Shadow Nation compound.

"Why does this tunnel exist?" I ask.

He looks down at me, "It is a back entrance that you can't see from above ground."

Wow that sounds just like our compound. I think to myself.

"Cool." I say.

Suddenly the tunnel stops and I spot a ladder. He goes first and unlocks the trapdoor that is at the top of the ladder. Once he's up, I see light and fresh air rushes down into the earthy smell of the tunnel. My heart flutters in my chest with excitement.

"Here." He gives me his hand and pulls me up. I shakily step up the ladder and poke my head out above ground. I breathe in the heavenly air and slide all the way up. The openness and beauty of the outdoors overwhelms me. Jefferson shuts the door and kicks the dirt back over it as to keep it hidden, "So what do you think? I'm sure you've missed this."

A smile breaks out on my face and I can't help but throw my arms around him, "Oh my goodness Jefferson, this is amazing! You've no clue how close I was getting to insanity. Thank you thank you!"

His good hand caresses my cheek, "It's really not fair is it? I don't believe prisoners should be treated as they are. Even if they are the leader of Shadow Nation." He chuckles.

I breathe in the air again and close my eyes. Why did I ever take this for granted?

To be continued...

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