Chapter 8: Problems

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Natsu's POV

Erza, Gray and I got back to Magnolia about 30 minutes ago and Lucy is still not here yet. We start walking back thinking maybe she went back to the guild before us, but that isn't like her to just leave even though she told us to wait.
To be honest, she hasn't really been the same Lucy since she came back. She's just more.......distant.

"Natsu we're back." Erza said.

"Ok let's go in." I said as I started walking towards the guild door. But as Erza is opening it she stops for a minute.

"Erza whats wrong? Open the door." Gray pushed past Erza and started to open the door but before he could even touch the handle Erza stopped him.

"Wait. How are we going to tell Mira and Elfman that their sister, who just came back not too long ago, disappeared again? They're going to be devastated. Don't you remember how they reacted when they thought she died last time?" I was shocked at Erza's words. She's right. I've just been thinking of Lucy only and I've completely forgot that Lisanna has been kidnapped.

Gray scratched his head and let out a frustrated sigh. "Even so, we cant lie to them. They have the right to know their sister was taken, and who knows, maybe they can even help find her." I knew Erza could see he was right.

Zeref's Castle

Lucy's POV

The once light  and sweet kiss had turned into a full blown make-out session and before I knew it my attention had been completely focused on Zeref and our kiss. I felt Zeref start pushing me backwards so I started stepping back and before I knew what happened I hit a wall.

I love Zeref. He saved me and helped me so much during the past year. I want to stay with him for the rest of my never-ending life, but to be honest, in my head I know this isn't the time for any of this to be happening.

I raise my hands to his chest and push him back a bit, just far enough from me so we could talk.

"Lucy, what's wrong? Are you ok princess?" He walks up to me and hugs me again.

I turn my head up and look at him in seriously in the eyes. "I'm sorry Zeref, I really want to continue this but-"

"-But your revenge comes first." He finishes my sentence. I look back down, feeling bad, but nod quietly. I hear him let out a big sigh as he talks again. "Ok I get it. You don't want to do anything else until we get your revenge." I stay quiet not denying any of it.

"But-" He swiftly pushes me back onto the wall with one hand on the side of my face and the other lifting my chin up before he dives in for a quick peck on my lips. "Does that mean once your revenge is over you will have no more excuses?" He smirks as his hand stays on my chin forcing me to face him.

I blush madly and try to avoid looking in his eyes. "No I won't." His smirk turns into a smile as he is satisfied with my answer.

"Well then let's hurry up and get your revenge over with." He says before let's go of me.

"Lets..." I say as I teleport to Magnolia.

Back at the Guild Hall

3rd Persons POV

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