Chapter 7: The First

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3rd Person POV

Lucy quickly finished the call and run back in the guild hoping no one noticed her absence.

But what she didn't know was that someone followed her and heard her entire conversation with Zeref.

??? POV

As soon as she finished the call I ran away before she could notice me watching. 'I knew I could trust Zeref.'

Lucy's POV

I ran back into the guild and slip into the library without anyone noticing me.
I run to the nearest bookshelf and quickly pretend to be searching for a book.

I looked around to the shelf where I put the book at and I see Lisanna picking the book up.
'Revenge begins..' I look back down at the book I'm holding waiting for Lisanna to notice the spell.

"Lucy look!" I look up from my book and look towards Lisanna who was showing my the spell. "This is a memory spell!! It might work!" I walked towards her and took the book from her, pretending to read the book.

"Yeah. This just might work! Thanks Lisanna!" She smiled at me. Levy walked over to read the book herself.

"This spell might work but we need a lot of items for it." Levy said.

"Then we split into groups and divide the items between us."

"Then we all meet back here at the guild and preform the spell for Lucy-"

"And then she can remember who kidnapped her and we'll go beat up whoever it was and make them regret ever messing with Fairy Tail." Natsu's fist was on fire as he finished Levy's sentence.

"Guys.... Thank you all so much for doing this for me. I really want to get my memories back soon and thank you guys properly." I saw Gray mumble something as soon as I finished my sentence.

"I dont think you'll be thanking us when you get your memories back." I looked towards him and pretended I didn't hear him and asked,

"Sorry Gray, what was that?"

"O-Oh its nothing Lucy. Don't worry about it."

"Are you sure? Because-"

"I-I'm sure it was nothing Lucy. Anyway, never mind what Gray said, we need to start figuring out which group is going to get what now." Natsu said in attempt to change the subject, but I'm sure he heard what Gray said due to his dragon hearing.

"Team Natsu will take the first item, the key

"Team Natsu will take the first item, the key

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