Chapter Two - Vhon of Nilo

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Hey guys, so I have another idea for another Spirit Animal fan fiction. It's...I'll just mention more about the fan fiction when I got more of the facts down. Anyways, enjoy chapter two!

Irene's POV

They finally arrived at the docks in Nilo which was quite crowded and they were just leaving the ship. Irene was holding one of the compasses, examining for any clues or small details that they might've missed. She was so focused on the compass that she hadn't noticed someone nearing her. Before she knew it, someone had bumped into her on purpose and had snatched the compass out of her hands.

"Hey, he stole the compass," Irene exclaimed.

"Quick, stop him," Rollan ordered but Irene was already running after him as fast as she could.

They already had so many troubles when getting that compass and she was not going to let this one get stolen by some thief. The boy who looked like he was almost the same age as her, glanced back and surprise lit his eyes when he was Irene. He started running faster, weaving through people and going to an alley. Irene quickly followed him and dashed down the alley after him. They turned a corner and the boy abruptly stopped as he reached a dead end, a brick wall on his path. Irene was running too fast that she had slammed right into him. Reacting quickly, she grabbed the compass which he was still holding and they wrestled for the compass.

"Give it back thief," Irene exclaimed.

"First of all, i'm not a thief," the boy snapped, "And if you think i'm going to give you this compass because you're a Keeper, then think again you selfish, greedy Greencloaks."

"What are you talking about?" Irene fired, "We worked hard to get this compass and i'm not going to let some thief steal it!"

"This compass doesn't belong to you," he fired back, "You'll just steal it away from us!"

"How are we stealing it when you're the one who took it in the first place?" Irene snapped, "We actually risked our lives for this compass!"

"Enough!" they both froze and she spotted Shane and the others arrive.

They stopped arguing and wrestling but Irene still held on to the compass and so did the boy.

"Look, she's right," Shane said calmly, "We risked our lives to get that compass and so we have every right to own that compass."

The boy then narrowed his eyes at them suspiciously, "Why would the Greencloaks be looking for this compass?"

"We need the compass because it leads us to the next clue to get to the talisman," Shane spoke, "The talisman of another Great Beast named Ursala the Great Bear."

The boy seemed to have froze and was silent for a moment before speaking, "You found this compass in the Place of Desolation, didn't you? And the other one from Shai Lu Man?"

Everyone looked at the boy in shock while Irene stuttered, "H-How did you know?"

The boy left his grip on the compass and took something that was hidden beneath his shirt, something tied around his neck. He slowly took out the thing and Irene's eyes widened as he looked at it more closely. It looked just like their compass.

"Where did you get that?" Ivan asked.

The boy gave a little chuckle, "I guess there are things I'll have to explain to you guys but we can't talk here for others might overhear are conversation."

"Where do you suggest we go?" Rollan asked.

"Just follow me," the boy replied.

He started touching some of the tiles of the brick wall until he pushed a part of the brick and it opened a secret opening. The boy went inside and gestured for them to come in.

"Oh, I forgot to mention," the boy spoke, "My name is Vhon."

Eilene's POV

Takoda and Meilin looked at her with wide, shocked eyes. Kovo had an unreadable expression while Jhi had a passive and calm expression.

"B-But you died," Takoda stuttered, "I mean, didn't you die when you were trying to chase Zerif?"

"That's what they said," Eilene replied, "I mean, Zerif did survive from the fire so what makes you think I didn't?"

"No one ever saw you again," Takoda said.

"Probably because I was hiding," Eilene said, "You wouldn't want me around-"

"Because you were a traitor," Meilin suddenly snapped, drawing out her staff, "You spied on the Keepers. You helped the Shane steal the talismans. You were in the Conquerors side!"

"Says the girl who spied on the Four Fallen," Eilene replied calmly, "Took Abeke hostage, tried to kill Rollan and Abeke-"

"I was tricked into drinking the Bile," Meilin cut in.

"Yet you still blame yourself," Eilene pointed out, making Meilin more angrier.

"You were working with the Conquerors," Meilin fired, "You knew that you were betraying us!"

"Yes so I wonder why you want to kill me," Eilene said, gesturing to Meilin's staff, "When Kovo was also a traitor yet you're working with him."

"That's because he was...saving the world," Meilin said reluctantly.

"And you must be wondering how I ended up down here," Eilene replied, "We're here for the same reason."

Meilin snorted, "I don't believe it."

"The Wyrm is the reason why the Evertree is sick," Eilene explained, "Kovo was the only one who sensed it and divided the Hellans into two, one to go down to tend the Evertree's roots and one to build a weapon. They grew lazy or greedy so Kovo had to do it by starting to wars to get the talismans and create the Staff of Cycles which was the weapon to destroy the Wyrm. The thing is, there's a sixteenth Great Beast who also had a talisman which was split in half, one went down while the other stayed up. That's why the Ten Keepers have split into two groups, one to find each part of the talisman. So yeah, I know as much as you do."

Takoda glanced at Kovo who slowly nodded and did some signs to Takoda.

"He says that...she's telling that truth," Takoda translated.

"And i'm pretty sure you guys had the same dream," Eilene spoke, "The one about the black egg with a crack on its side, also known as the Wyrm. A glittering staff, also known as the Staff of Cycles and a star that was cut in half which is yet to be interpreted."

"How do you know all of this?" Meilin demanded, "And if the Keepers have split into two groups, where are the rest?"

That's when the rest of the Keepers emerged from the buildings and Hope exclaimed, "Eilene, there you are! Where have you..."

That's when they spotted Meilin and Takoda.

"Great timing guys," Eilene said flatly, "So why don't we all sit down and i'll start from the very beginning."

So this mysterious boy named Vhon knows something the Keepers don't. Please vote and leave a comment on what you guys think. Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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