Chapter Six - The Real Dream Bringers

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George's POV

"That doesn't make any sense," Eilene mumbled, "Why would there be two compasses?"

"Well, they both seem to be pointing the same way," George replied, studying the compasses.

"So which way now?" Zoron asked.

George turned to Haley, "Do you know where this compass is pointing to?"

"I know of a city that is in that direction," Haley nodded, "Aspenosa City, one of the cities that are around the Evertree's roots."

(Yes, I made that up)

"Well then," Meilin announced, "We better hurry up and find this talisman."

They started walking towards the city except for Haley who looked down. George noticed this and stopped.

"Haley, are you coming?" George asked and the group stopped when they heard him.

Haley looked at them guiltily then pulled something out of her pocket, handing it to Eilene. She slowly took it and her eyes widened.

"You had a compass all along?" Eilene exclaimed, then she looked at her with wide eyes, "Then that means-"

"I'm a Dream Bringer," Haley finished.

Ivan's POV

They were seated on a long, rectangular table inside the Lord of Gaundor's home.

"Would you like something to eat or drink?" He offered.

"No," Riley replied curtly, "We would like the answers to our questions."

He sighed, "Yes, of course. Now where shall I start?"

"The part where you rebuilt the Dream Bringers," Vhon suggested.

"Ah, yes," he said, his eyes growing distant as if he could see something the others can't, "Long before I was the Lord of Gaundor, my name was Gerald, second to the oldest so my older brother would be the Lord of Gaundor. At that time, I summoned a beautiful black panther, and I had accepted the Greencloak vow."

Ivan looked at him, quite surprised. He never noticed a black panther in sight. He imagined him as a young Greencloak.

"My childhood friend who was a brother to me summoned a strong mountain lion," he went on, "His name...was Derek."

Ivan heard some of the others gasped. The Lord of Gaundor had known Derek?

"We trained as Greencloaks together," he smiled at the memory, "Went on missions, we did almost everything together. We grew up together as we traveled all over Erdas. At that time, we have met some girls-"

"Okay," Jef cut in, "Can we, uh, skip that part?"

"Oh yes," Gerald chuckled, "We were on a mission with the same two ladies of ours. That is when we found a mysterious book. That is the same book that Derek had about Kovo saving the world, about the Wyrm, about everything that's happening as we speak. Now that Derek has died..." His voice wavered in the last part as if he too was affected by his death. He paused then went on, "Now that he has died, we do not know where the book is."

Ivan exchanged a glance with Riley. They were not going to tell him until he had finished.

"We grew curious," he went on, "Especially Derek. He was so determined on translating the book. But then, news of my older brother back home had died, leaving the city with no ruler. So I had to retire and take his place. Of course, George and John's mother was one of those Greencloaks and she joined me, just for me. But Derek...he took it all the wrong way."

Ivan wondered if Eilene, John, or George knew about their parents past.

"He kept on searching," he went on, sadness lacing his voice, "He couldn't find time with his Greencloak duty and so he retired as well. He made sure that the Greencloaks didn't track him down by living a normal life as he tried to translate the code. His wife..." His voice trailed off again and he swallowed before continuing, "When his wife had sadly passed away, that was when your Keeper friend was born. I rushed to him and promised to take care of her but he refused. He swore that her daughter would follow her footsteps and finish what he has done."

Ivan froze. Did that mean that Eilene was forced by her father to betray them?

"What does this all have to do about the Dream Bringers?" Zoey asked.

"That was what I was going to be saying next," he replied, "We were fighting right outside the city when an old man came staggering towards us. He gave us the same book that Derek had been trying to decipher all this time. We were also given another book, a book about Dream Bringers. When the old man died, something mysterious happened."

Gerald stopped and looked at his arm, rubbing a certain place. Ivan was guessing that was where his panther was.

"Our Spirit Animals turned into dust and had went through us," he winced at the memory, "It was a pain that I never knew existed. That was when Derek had decipher the language all of a sudden. I did as well but I refused to come with him. So I stayed at the city while Derek left. I never saw him again until that day when you Keepers have come. Seeing my close relation with Derek before, i'm not surprised that our children are quite close friends."

Ivan almost chuckled out loud at the memory of Eilene and John fighting. George had been pretty close to Eilene as well.

"When Derek died, I knew I had to act," Gerald said, "I read the book and it troubled me that i'm not doing anything with this information. So I finally sent the dreams to four people-"

"Four people," Vhon interrupted, sounding confused, "I thought you said three?"

"Yes I did," he replied, "but it was actually four. Vhon, two people of Sadre, and my son, John."

Ivan's eyes widened. John never mentioned anything about having a dream.

"But apparently, someone had sent the dreams to you as well," Gerald said, "And only one other person could've done."

Ivan sucked in a breath, knowing what he was going to say next.

"And that would only mean one thing," Gerald said, "Derek is alive."

Okay, I was debating with myself whether I should let Derek live or stay dead. Please vote and leave a comment on what you guys think. Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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