Book of Extras is out! (A/N)

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Q and As, extra short stories, and explanations, it's all here in this book of extras. Oh, and did I mention polls?

Have questions for the characters or even the author? *cough* that's me *cough*

Want to read some extra stories of what happened after the alternative ending or some side stories not shown in the books?

All the explanations, how I started writing this, why my name choices are terrible, why I decided to *SPOILER* all of them.

If you are:

- Interested in the making of the Ten Keepers

- Not wanting to let go of the characters

- Have questions you want answered

- Want to do polls just for the heck of it

- Why my name choices are terrible

Then check out that book!

And if you already haven't done yet, check out my other Spirit Animal fan fiction, "A Thief's Quest, A Warrior's Mission" and spread the word (especially to Reilin fans)!

Spirit Animals - The Ten Keepers: Fall of the Ten [Book Three]Where stories live. Discover now