Chapter Twelve - Anger, Unforgiven

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Zoron's POV

Zoron sighed as he sat down on the ground, watching the Sulfur Sea. A few feet away, Hope was talking softly to her Spirit Animal, Faith. They haven't talked or even looked at each other ever since their fight. They just sat there doing nothing.

"This is useless," Zoron muttered to his Spirit Animal, Lazu, who was sitting beside him.

Lazu let out a screech and gave him a look that says, "Then stop being useless and do something."

Zoron sighed again. They were still Greencloaks as long as they're still alive and they're just doing.

"We're terrible Greencloaks," Zoron muttered then glanced at Hope.

Lazu chirped, and Zoron guessed that he said, "Just make up already. Seriously, your drama is killing me."

He glanced at Hope again then he got up and slowly walked towards her. He sat down, putting a bit of space between them. Hope didn't glance at him once and Zoron looked down.

"So, what do we do know?" Zoron whispered, breaking the tensed silence between them. He just couldn't bear the tension between them. He just wanted to forget that they ever fought.

"I don't know," Hope muttered curtly, "Why don't you make the decision?"

Zoron sighed, "Look, can we just forget about everything and find a way out of here? We've already wasted enough time."

"Find then," Hope stood up abruptly and glared at him, "Lead the way."

Zoron gritted his teeth as he stood up as well then started walking to a direction with Hope walking right behind him.

That did not end like he wanted to.

George's POV

When George was a good distance away from the others, mainly Eilene, he sat down one of the huge roots. He never expected for Eilene to make that decision, to leave the others behind. Now they left the other half of their team behind, they left John behind, and now they're leaving Zoron and Hope behind.

Maybe this was Eilene's plan all along. To break their team, to separate them. She hasn't changed at all!

"George," he turned to see Haley slowly walking towards him with a worried expression on her face.

"Leave me alone," George muttered, starting to get up again.

"George, please-"

"I said leave me alone!" George yelled at her. A look of surprise entered her face. George was surprised himself but he didn't apologize. Instead, he walked away, and Haley didn't follow.

He stopped and sat down on another of the Evertree's roots. He sighed angrily. Usually, he would just forgive and forget but now, he just couldn't help but feel hurt and angry at Eilene. Maybe they were wrong to trust her. No, they shouldn't have trusted her. Now John is gone, the rest of the team are somewhere up there with Zerif, and Hope and Zoron are gone.

Little did he know, a small black parasite was itching its way towards him. A perfect target for the Wyrm. With his angered thoughts, it wouldn't be hard for the Wyrm to manipulate him to doing its evil bidding.

Jef's POV

Jef couldn't move, and neither could them as they stared at Ivan. As soon as the black parasite had twisted into a spiral in his forehead, Ivan stopped struggling. But instead of his eyes turning blank with hatred just like everyone else, his eyes turned wild and crazy, just like Zerif's.

His lips twisted into a bitter smile, "Ah, greetings my fellow Keeper friends. Nice to see you still care." His voice sounded strange, with a wild tone to it.

"How? What?" Jef breathed out in fear and confusion.

"Let me just give you a quick lesson before we get down to real business," Ivan told him, "You must all be wondering, am I Zerif's 'servant' now? Answer is no, we all bow down to the Wyrm. I've bowed down to the Wyrm, which answers to the question, 'how did the parasite instantly get to my forehead.'"

" gave up?" Riley asked, fear and disbelief in her voice.

Jef thought that his eyes seemed to have changed for a second, "You could say that."

Just then, Jef saw another parasite crawling on Ivan's hand, "Now here's the deal. You see this parasite? You don't want me to turn you into more of us because then, who's going to take the compasses and save Erdas. All you have to do is give me Essix the Falcon, Ninani the Swan, Cabaro the Lion, and Mulop the Octupos if you don't want me to turn you into us. Give them to me and i'll leave you alone. No one will be harmed. Deal?"

Jef slowly started to push Zoey out the door, as they slowly backed up to the door. They all knew the answer to that and seemed as if Ivan knew that as well.

"Well then, I guess I have to do this the hard way," Ivan growled and started to throw the parasite at them.

"Quick, run," Vhon ordered as they all dashed out the door and quickly slammed it shut, "Quick, lock him in."

They quickly took a nearby table and quickly blocked the doorway. They were about to run and get more things to lock the door when Zoey suddenly screamed. Jef quickly glanced at her as she started stomping on something. Jef looked down to see that a tiny black piece had squeezed its way out from under the door and was making its way towards Zoey. Jef quickly stomped on the ground with Zoey but the parasite was making its way up Zoey's leg.

Then came the piercing cry.

Eilene's POV

Eilene sighed. They were all just together like a team and now they're just...broken. Just like that talisman they're trying to find.

She was sitting down while Meilin and Takoda sat a few feet away, talking to their Spirit Animals. Haley had gone after George who ran away, angry. Eilene studied the compass and saw that the arrow was pointing back to Aspenosa City. She felt confused. Was the arrow telling them to go back to the city?

"So, where do we go next?" Eilene looked up to see Meilin walking towards them.

"You might not like what you're about to hear," Eilene replied, "We're going back to the city."

I'M SORRY FOR SCARING YOU ALL! I already have the ending settled, I just don't know how to get there so now i'm writing this stuff. Please vote and leave a comment on what you guys think. Stay tuned for the next chapter!

Check out GriffinFur1933 and Griffin-Bluestar!

Btw, Griffin-Bluestar is a join account of me and my friend. We already have three stories but I strongly recommend you guys reading "What I Don't Know". A love story between two people and we're trying not to make it as cliche (lol). So please check that out and our other stories!

Also, i'm officially making another Spirit Animal fan fiction that happens years and years after this shenanigans. It will be focused on different characters but you might see the Ten Keepers again in that chapter, along with the Four Fallen of course.

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