Chapter Fifteen - Hiding Something?

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You have no idea how many books I have in my library! There's just TOO many books! I noticed that Takoda isn't saying much in this book so I decided this chapter to be a special moment for him.

(Btw guys, I added a part to book two "Ten Keepers - The Lost Talisman of Ursala." It's just an alternate ending thing)

Anyways guys, enjoy!

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Eilene's POV

"I wonder how the others are doing," George murmured as they kept on walking.

Of course that wasn't the first time anyone has asked that question before. It's probably the most recent question that's been being asked to everyone in the group. As always, the answers were always the same till now.

"I wouldn't exactly say that they're fine," Eilene replied, "I mean, if we're struggling, they might be struggling as well."

"And the more we stay under here, the more we're wasting time," Meilin added, "So can we please pick up the pace?"

"Patient are we?" Eilene muttered sarcastically. It's not that she disliked Meilin but she somehow annoys her at times and it doesn't help that Meilin still hadn't trusted her.

If Meilin heard what she said, she showed no sign of it as they kept on moving in silence.

"What would happen when we find this compass?" Haley asked, breaking the silence, "How many more compasses do we need to find? Why do we need to find them in the first place?"

"They're supposed to lead us to the talisman," Eilene replied, "And i'm not sure how many more we need to find. Hopefully this is the last one."

They finally spot the abandoned city of and they slowly approach. Eilene felt fear rise from inside of her as she desperately tried to push it down. This was where she had last encountered John and it wasn't exactly a pleasant memory. She hoped that she wouldn't have to encounter him this soon again but she knew that there would be a time where she had to face him once more.

She looked down to the compass once more and led the way as they cautiously walked to the direction the arrow was pointing. They abruptly stopped as they heard footsteps coming closer. Her hand began to tremble as she desperately tried to swallow down her fear. She did not like the Wyrm, the Many included.

Somehow, a certain memory flashed into her mind.

"You're...You're scared of me? Since I have that parasite and will soon turn into one of those..."

"I'm not scared of you. I'm scared for you."

She didn't know why this memory came into her mind. She still remembered that time when she confessed to John about her fears of being deep in the earth. She still remembered when she or more like he did his "second favor". Somehow, that made her calm down easier.

The footsteps came closer and she could make out three figures walking towards them.

"Zoron?" George called out to them, anxiously, "Hope?"

"George," Eilene sighed in relief as she heard Zoron's voice and she finally saw them clearly. She felt confused as she saw another person walking behind them. She had pale skin and white hair, almost having the same features as Haley. She guessed that she was also from Sadre.

"X-Xanthe?" Takoda stammered, shock in her voice.

"Takoda," the girl called Xanthe exclaimed and she ran forward, hugging Takoda who hugged her back, "You're alive. You're both alive...Where's Conor?"

Takoda exchanged a sad glance with Meilin, "He...He lost the fight."

Xanthe looked at him with sad, sympathetic eyes, "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault," Takoda told her softly.

Eilene looked back to the compass and noticed that whenever Xanthe moved, the arrow pointed at her. She looked at her in confusion when she remembered suddenly remembered something, making her eyes wide with realization.

"Xanthe," Eilene asked, showing her the compass, "Does this look familiar to you? Have you been having weird dreams lately?"

Xanthe's eyes widened in surprise before slowly taking out something. She took out a compass, much similar than the ones they have.

"Looks like we found our third Dream Bringer, now who's the fourth," Eilene murmured then froze when she said it out loud.

Zoron noticed this and he narrowed his eyes at her, "You know, I sometimes wonder why you know a lot about these Dream Bringers we've never heard about. Are you hiding something?"

Everyone was looking at her, waiting for a reply. She sighed, looks like she had some explaining to do.

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Irene's POV

They all stood and watched as a group of Redcloaks took a blindfolded Ivan out the ship. Shane had decided that they put him in one of the dungeons for now until they've defeated the Wyrm. Of course, he promised that he would be given food and would be kept alive. The infected Ivan didn't struggle once as he allowed the Redcloaks to escort him out.

Nearby, Gerald was talking to Vhon quietly. From the look on their faces and the hush tones they used, it looked serious. Finally, they broke apart and walked towards them.

"So, what's your plan?" Jef asked.

"Follow the compass, of course," Vhon replied.

Zoey took out one of the compasses which she had and they started following the arrow. Irene found herself walking beside Vhon at the rear of the group.

"Worried?" Vhon asked casually.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Irene replied, the worry clear in her voice, "Half our team is missing without knowing what has happened to them, Ivan gave up while Zoey almost got infected, Zerif might track us down, we're running out of time and we're going to who knows where."

"I'm worried too," Vhon murmured, glancing at Gerald, "If our suspicions are correct and that Derek is indeed still alive...who knows what would happen."

"But he died," Irene went on more confused, "John saw him die before him. Hope and Zoron saw it themselves. How could he still be alive?"

Vhon didn't reply but his face was grim. Then he spoke, "Perhaps we would find out soon."

Irene narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously, "There's something you're not telling us, is it?"

He met her gaze evenly, "You will find out soon enough."

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Okay, sorry if it was a little boring. Probably there would be more action in the next chapter. Please vote and leave a comment on what you guys think. Stay tuned for the next chapter!

Check out GriffinFur1933 and PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, check out our story called "What I Don't Know" in Griffin-Bluestar!

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