Alternate Ending - Part One

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DO NOT SKIP CHAPTERS. DO NOT SKIP CHAPTER TWENTY THREE TO ONWARD CHAPTERS (that didn't really make sense but you get the point) DO NOT SKIP!!!


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(Starts in chapter twenty seven)

Eilene's POV

As they neared Conor, Zerif appeared by his side and with a grin, he shouted out to his infected and they all came rushing at them at once. Conor grinned as well, shouting a different command to attack the Great Beast summoners. Immediately, the team had been pulled apart.

Eilene saw Hope pulled apart from Zoron and Zoey who struggled to get to her. George who was nearby immediately rushed towards Hope. Irene had been tackled by two of the infected, only barely being saved by Vhon. Ivan came and fought Riley while Jef tried to run to her rescue. Eilene was about to run to Hope until someone had knocked her off her feet from the side.

She quickly got back up and spun to face her attacker, only to freeze.

"Oh, Eilene, nice seeing you again," John sneered.

Eilene had fought John a couple of times already ever since he got infected but she felt as if this fight was going to be different. This was their last fight and that had two meanings. One is that everyone would be saved and John would be cured. The other meaning one of them would die today.

"We literally just met a couple of hours ago," Eilene muttered, remembering that this wasn't the real John.

"Oh right, that," John pretended to marvel at his sword as he stepped closer, "He's strong, that part is true. The thing is, the Wyrm is stronger than us all."

"That's not true," Eilene said, taking a step back as she tried to reason with him, reluctant to fighting him, "You've fought the Wyrm, you've fought for control. I've seen it with my own eyes and I know that it's possible to overcome its control."

"It may have happened once," John growled, "but now that the Wyrm is stronger, it won't happen twice."

John launched at her, viciously swiping his sword with surprising speed which Eilene barely dodged, blocking the last hit with her staff. John then kicked her hard, sending her stumbling back as John ran at her with his sword raised. Eilene raised her staff to meet the blade, sending her straining from the strength of the blow.

"I am stronger than you," John growled, pushing down harder, "You think you can beat me?"

Eilene finally rolled away and scrambled to stand up. Then she sighed, stopping for a moment, "You're right, I can't beat you. Only John can beat you for control."

"But he's too weak," John growled, running at her again and delivering hard blows which she barely blocked. One catching her arm, making her yelp in pain, "He's too weak and he's too late."

Eilene was breathing heavily as she clutched her arm in pain, "No...he's not weak. The John I know never gives up."

Eilene made a weak attempt to block another attack, making her stumbled back but she kept talking, "The John I know can be so annoying but he never fails to make me smile, even though I try hard not to show it."

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