Chapter 1

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   "Daddy" I called out while walking towards the kitchen. I had woken up to the smell of bacon and pancakes one of my all time favourite meals.

   I was so excited that I didn't get dressed, I just kept on my spongebob pants on and my oversized pizza shirt that my friend Danielle gave me. 

   "Yes honey" my dad replied while flipping the pancake over in the pan. "Your making breakfast? you didn't have to" I said while sitting down at the island. 

   "Aw but honey I wanted too, anything for my little munchkin" he replied after he had finished putting the pancakes on a plate.

   He then proceeded to walk over to me and hug me. "Good morning" he said drawing out the good.

   I giggled while saying good morning and making sure I made the good really long to top off my dads.

   He then proceeded to put one of the pancakes on a plate along with three pieces of bacon. He then cut up the pancake and handed me my plate along with the syrup.

" It looks delicious daddy thank youuuuu" I said while drowning my pancakes in syrup.

"Well honey I have to go to work but be good for me and if you go to the park remember how we discussed stranger danger" he said while giving me a pointed look.

  A few years ago I went to the park by myself and his guy offered to buy my ice cream and I kinda just followed him. But to my defense I was like 11 and who can deny ice cream.

   Before I could start walking to the shop with him the lady that recognised him dragged me away and called my dad.

  My dad was probably the maddest he's ever been. The second I got home he went off, screaming and throwing stuff. Though I know he didn't mean too it scared the living crap out of me and I locked myself in my room.

  Basically the rest of the night was my dad apologising and saying how he just wanted me to be safe and he was just worried about me.

   Since then usually one of my dads work people are at the park when I go but he still tells me about stranger danger before he leaves even though Im 17 now and not a little kid.

   "I know ,I know I won't got anywhere with a stranger ok" I repeated for what seemed like the 100th time.

   "Ok well I gotta go now but have fun" he said while kissing the top of my head and leaving me with just myself and my thoughts.

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