Chapter 5

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Food is something I am in love with. When you meet me you'll probably figure this out in about 30 minutes. I usually bring up food, eat, or steal yours.

    I once got married to hot fries. I was like 6 and thought I loved hot fries, and guys have cuties, so why not just get married to hot fires.

    So I did and all the kids at the playground watched. We even had a cake....well kinda.

    All of the kids took their snack cakes and basically put it in a pile to make a cake. Kinda gross but we were 6 so we didn't care.

    But all in all I love food. So I was extremely happy when I woke up to the smell of French toast which is one of  my favorites. Especially when you put sugar on them.

"You made French toast" i said while running up and hugging me Dad. "Your the best" I said while taking my fork and digging in to the steaming pieces of French toast.

"Of course I'm the best" he said while getting a plate of his own.

    As I ate my French toast I started thinking about how my dad is sometimes gone for weeks and I have no idea what he does. I mean I know he manages a company but it just doenst add up to all the places he travels all the time or the amount of money he has.

   "Daddy I know your a manager of the company have to do something else also it just doenst add up with how much money we have and what your doing all of the time" I basically blurt our with out really thinking about what I was saying. I probably sounded insane.

But I knew he wasn't just what he says he is there has to be something else.
He set his fork down while Turing to me and saying " I have yes"

I knew it I screamed in my head but kept my face straight. "But what kid of....businesses"

"Oh you know the business kind" he laughed while getting up and setting his plate in the sink. "Look I have my ways and most of it is business stuff you wouldn't be interested in"

    "I know I'm just curious" I said while finishing off the rest of my French toast.

"Ok hunny, oh and before I forget your aunt and uncle are coming over later" I perked up at that because my aunt and uncle are really cool. 

My aunt Taylor always lets me stay up late and watch scary movies although i usually have nightmares after but still, and my uncle Fred always has some type of delicious food he brings when he comes over.

"Yesssss!" I replied while jumping off my seat and hugging him. "Ok hunny they'll be here in an hour or so why don't you go get dressed" he said while chuckling softly.

"Ok daddy" I sits while skipping down the hall to my room. What to wear I thought. I decided on a baby blue skirt, a white crop top, some converse and topped it off with a red sweater(picture of her outfit is at the beginning of the chapter).

After I got dressed I decided to curl my hair and then braid the top half over my head kinda acting like a crown or headband.

I then put on some mascara and perfume to finish it off. As I was walking back to the kitchen the doorbell rang. "Go answer the door please I'm sure your aunt and uncle are waiting" daddy said as I reached the kitchen.

    "Ok" I replied happy to see my favorite aunt and uncle. As I opened
the door my eyes widened. That is definitely not my aunt and uncle.

Authors note: thank you for 300 reads, that's more than I thought I would ever get plus this Was the book I thought would get 0 reads on lol. But thank you if you read to here and I know the chapters are sucky but hopefully I'll get better as time goes by.

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