Chapter 6

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"W-what are you doing h-here"I whispered while looking up at Devon as my eyes widened. "I left my jacket" he grunted while shoving his hands in his pockets.

"O-ok I'll go g-get it" i then rushed into the living room hoping to find his jacket quickly so my dad wouldn't come looking for me and see Devon.

    "H-here" i passed him his jacket which he must had taken off while I was going to get the first aid kit last night.

He then just stared at me with no emotion . Honestly it was creeping me out. "Um can you stop staring" I muttered surprising myself when I didn't stutter.

That seamed to snap him out of whatever daydream he was in cause he quickly averted his eyes and cleared his throat "Sorry" he said and immediately walked away without saying thanks or waiting for a reply. "Ya your welcome" I whispered to myself as he got farther away.

As soon as he was out of sight I closed the door and went back to the kitchen. "What took you so long and where are they" my dad asked as soon as i walked in. " um it wasn't them it was a guy trying to sell some sort of cleaner" i said covering up that it really was Devin.

I don't like lying to him but he would get really mad ,like really really mad if he found out. So I went with the other option.

    "Ok well they should be here soon"

To pass Time I decided to go watch some tv. Perfect timing too cause Harry Potter was on and it's one of my favorites like absolutely ,wonderfully colorfully ,wizardly, um where was I going with that....I don't know but I love it.

*time skip*
I had just finished watching Harry Potter and the goblet of fire when I heard the door bell ring agin.

If It was eng my aunt and uncle this time then I think they might never get here.

"Make sure it's not that cleaner guy agin" daddy said chuckling as I passed him.

If only you new I thought as I reached the door. As I opened it I was relieved to see it was actually my aunt and uncle.

" oh my gosh my baby come give me a hug" aunt Taylor said while bringing me into a giant bear hug.

I laughed while hugging her back as tight as I could. "You get prettier every time I see you" she said while letting go of me.

I blushed cause I wasn't used to the compliments from anyone dad my daddy.

"Uncle Fred" I yelled while running up to hug him "aww there's my muffin how have you been" he asked while walking inside with his arm on my shoulder.

    "Good and guess what I just watched Harry Potter it was on tv" I said while bouncing on my heels.

    "That sounds awesome and guess what I brought" he asked.

    "What" I said, more like yelled excitedly.

    "Oreo pie" he said while taking out the bag with the pie in it.

      "THEIRS OREO PIE SINCE WHEN" I yelled while looking at the masterpiece.

     "What's all this yelling for" daddy asked while walking to the dining room we had set the pie in.

     "Look at what uncle Fred brought" I did excitedly while pointing at the pie.

    "It looks delicious and it's amazing to see you guys" he said while hugging both of them.

    "Did you say thank you" daddy asked while looking at me sternly.

    "Oh sorry I was so excited I forgot, thank you for the pie uncle Fred" I said while hugging him again.

    "Your welcome and it was really nothing" he replied.

   The rest of night consisted of eating pie(a lot of it) and watching the conjuring and harry potter.

    I couldn't help the occasional thought slip back to Devon though.

    He just seamed a And I don't know whether I liked it or not but I didn't want to find out.

    Thanks for 930 reads almost 1k and I'm like flipping out like thank you and I tried I've just been sick and had to deal with some issues with my family and friends. But I'm good now and should post more frequently. Anyways hope you like it and I know it's starting off slow and probably boring but it'll get better..hopefully anyways lmao.

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