Chapter 3

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   I slowly started walking to my house with the guy following behind. Halfway to my house I turned my head and glanced at him while trying to not make it was an opus I was staring. It didn't work.

"What" he suddenly snapped ,catching me looking at him. "N-n-nothing" I said as my eyes started to tear up again and tried to wipe them away knowing I was probably annoying him.

Why does this guys have to be so rude though, I only wanted to help him I thought as I started taking quicker steps so that I don't have to be by him.

I quickly approached my house and ran to the door. As soon as my hand touched the Knob the guy grabbed my hand and quickly took it off the door knob he then spun me causing me to stumble back against the door with him caging me in with his large figure.

   I sometimes curse god for making me so short at only 5'0 in situations like these.

He then said something that had me looking at him in shock. "Please don't cry". His eyes held so much compassion and life to them that I was hypnotized by them.

He must have been in the same trance as me cause he slowly brought his hand up wiped the last trace of my tears away.

I found Myself leaning into his touch even though he was the one responsible for my tears.

I slightly whimpered while then moving my head and trying to get farther away but their really was no where to go since I was essentially sandwiched between him and the door.

He snapped out of his trance when he heard me whimper instantly backing a few feet away from me. He mumbled sorry under his breath while his eyes went back to the normal blank stare that has been there since I met him.

I stared at him as I tried to regain my composure from the close contact we'd shared just moments ago.

  After a minute of us just staring he turned around ready to leave probably from the awkward staring contest we were having.

  I then noticed how he was still bleeding and it didn't seem like just a Little cut.

I wasn't sure what I was thinking cause if he was covered in blood he had to get it someway... but what if he was the good guy in the situation I couldn't just leave him I sighed.

Even if it was  a bad decision I couldn't let him go without helping him.

"Wait" I called out while jogging to catch up to him. "Your hurt and I doubt you live anywhere close to here" he furrowed his eyebrows and said "and"

"A-and I um can help you" I said but it came out as more of a question.

"I thought you were scared of me" he said while taking a step closer as if to prove what he just said but I stayed in place trying to prove that I wasn't."y-you're h-hurt though" I said while mad at myself for stuttering and letting him see that I was still nervous.

"Your too nice for your own good" he sighed while taking a step around me to walk to the house.

"By the way my names Devon" he whispered in my ear before walking completely around me and up the steps to my door.

I let out the breath of air I had unknowingly been holding and turned around getting ready to face the man I now know as Devon.

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